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Created January 4, 2018 01:01
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public class Legend extends MaterialWidget {
private AmLegend legend = new AmLegend();
public Legend() {
public String getAccessibleLabel() {
return legend.accessibleLabel;
* Text which screen readers will read if user rolls-over the element or sets focus on it using tab key
* (this is possible only if tabIndex property of AmLegend is set to some number). Text is added as aria-label
* tag. Note - not all screen readers and browsers support legend. Default to [[title]]
public void setAccessibleLabel(String accessibleLabel) {
legend.accessibleLabel = accessibleLabel;
public String getAlign() {
return legend.align;
* Alignment of legend entries. Possible values are: "left", "center", "right". Default to left
public void setAlign(String align) {
legend.align = align;
public boolean isAutoMargins() {
return legend.autoMargins;
* Used if chart is Serial or XY. In case true, margins of the legend are adjusted and made equal to chart's
* margins. Default to true
public void setAutoMargins(boolean autoMargins) {
legend.autoMargins = autoMargins;
public double getBackgroundAlpha() {
return legend.backgroundAlpha;
* Opacity of legend's background. Value range is 0 - 1. Default to 0
public void setBackgroundAlpha(double backgroundAlpha) {
legend.backgroundAlpha = backgroundAlpha;
public String getLegendBackgroundColor() {
return legend.backgroundColor;
* Background color. You should set backgroundAlpha to >0 vallue in order background to be visible. Default to
public void setLegendBackgroundColor(String backgroundColor) {
legend.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
public int getBorderAlpha() {
return legend.borderAlpha;
* Opacity of chart's border. Value range is 0 - 1. Default to 0
public void setBorderAlpha(int borderAlpha) {
legend.borderAlpha = borderAlpha;
public String getBorderColor() {
return legend.borderColor;
* Color of legend's border. You should set borderAlpha >0 in order border to be visible. Default to #000000
public void setBorderColor(String borderColor) {
legend.borderColor = borderColor;
public int getBottom() {
return legend.bottom;
* In case legend position is set to "absolute", you can set distance from bottom of the chart, in pixels.
public void setBottom(int bottom) {
legend.bottom = bottom;
public String getColor() {
return legend.color;
* Text color. Default to #000000
public void setColor(String color) {
legend.color = color;
public boolean isCombineLegend() {
return legend.combineLegend;
* If you set it to true, and you have some legend items set using property, both graph’s entries and
* those added using data property will be displayed. Default to false
public void setCombineLegend(boolean combineLegend) {
legend.combineLegend = combineLegend;
public Object[] getData() {
* You can pass array of objects with title, color, markerType values, for example:
* [{title: "One", color: "#3366CC"},{title: "Two", color: "#FFCC33"}]
public void setData(Object[] data) { = data;
public String getDivId() {
return legend.divId;
* You can set id of a div or a reference to div object in case you want the legend to be placed in a separate
* container.
public void setDivId(String divId) {
legend.divId = divId;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return legend.enabled;
* Specifies if legend is enabled or not. Default to true
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
legend.enabled = enabled;
public boolean isEqualWidths() {
return legend.equalWidths;
* Specifies if each of legend entry should be equal to the most wide entry. Won't look good if legend has more
* than one line. Default to true
public void setEqualWidths(boolean equalWidths) {
legend.equalWidths = equalWidths;
public int getLegendFontSize() {
return legend.fontSize;
* Font size. Default to 11
public void setLegendFontSize(int fontSize) {
legend.fontSize = fontSize;
public boolean isForceWidth() {
return legend.forceWidth;
* If you set this property to true, width of legend item labels won't be adjusted. Useful when you have more than
* one chart and want to align all the legends. Default to false
public void setForceWidth(boolean forceWidth) {
legend.forceWidth = forceWidth;
public int getGradientRotation() {
return legend.gradientRotation;
* Can be used if legend uses custom data. Set it to 0, 90, 180 or 270.
public void setGradientRotation(int gradientRotation) {
legend.gradientRotation = gradientRotation;
public int getHorizontalGap() {
return legend.horizontalGap;
* Horizontal space between legend item and left/right border. Default to 0
public void setHorizontalGap(int horizontalGap) {
legend.horizontalGap = horizontalGap;
public String getLabelText() {
return legend.labelText;
* The text which will be displayed in the legend. Tag [[title]] will be replaced with the title of the graph.
* Default to [[title]]
public void setLabelText(String labelText) {
legend.labelText = labelText;
public int getLabelWidth() {
return legend.labelWidth;
* If width of the label is bigger than labelWidth, it will be wrapped.
public void setLabelWidth(int labelWidth) {
legend.labelWidth = labelWidth;
public int getLeft() {
return legend.left;
* In case legend position is set to "absolute", you can set distance from left side of the chart, in pixels.
public void setLeft(int left) {
legend.left = left;
public Object[] getListeners() {
return legend.listeners;
* You can add listeners of events using this property. Example: listeners = [{"event":"clickLabel",
* "method":handleEvent}];
public void setListeners(Object[] listeners) {
legend.listeners = listeners;
public int getMarginBottom() {
return legend.marginBottom;
* Bottom margin. Default to 0
public void setMarginBottom(int marginBottom) {
legend.marginBottom = marginBottom;
public int getMarginLeft() {
return legend.marginLeft;
* Left margin. This property will be ignored if chart is Serial or XY and autoMargins property of the legend is
* true (default). Default to 20
public void setMarginLeft(int marginLeft) {
legend.marginLeft = marginLeft;
public int getMarginRight() {
return legend.marginRight;
* Right margin. This property will be ignored if chart is Serial or XY and autoMargins property of the legend is
* true (default). Default to 20
public void setMarginRight(int marginRight) {
legend.marginRight = marginRight;
public int getMarginTop() {
return legend.marginTop;
* Top margin. Default to 0
public void setMarginTop(int marginTop) {
legend.marginTop = marginTop;
public int getMarkerBorderAlpha() {
return legend.markerBorderAlpha;
* Marker border opacity. Default to 1
public void setMarkerBorderAlpha(int markerBorderAlpha) {
legend.markerBorderAlpha = markerBorderAlpha;
public String getMarkerBorderColor() {
return legend.markerBorderColor;
* Marker border color. If not set, will use the same color as marker.
public void setMarkerBorderColor(String markerBorderColor) {
legend.markerBorderColor = markerBorderColor;
public int getMarkerBorderThickness() {
return legend.markerBorderThickness;
* Thickness of the legend border. The default value (0) means the line will be a "hairline" (1 px). In case marker
* type is line, this style will be used for line thickness. Default to 1
public void setMarkerBorderThickness(int markerBorderThickness) {
legend.markerBorderThickness = markerBorderThickness;
public String getMarkerDisabledColor() {
return legend.markerDisabledColor;
* The color of the disabled marker (when the graph is hidden). Default to #AAB3B3
public void setMarkerDisabledColor(String markerDisabledColor) {
legend.markerDisabledColor = markerDisabledColor;
public int getMarkerLabelGap() {
return legend.markerLabelGap;
* Space between legend marker and legend text, in pixels. Default to 5
public void setMarkerLabelGap(int markerLabelGap) {
legend.markerLabelGap = markerLabelGap;
public int getMarkerSize() {
return legend.markerSize;
* Size of the legend marker (key). Default to 16
public void setMarkerSize(int markerSize) {
legend.markerSize = markerSize;
public String getMarkerType() {
return legend.markerType;
* Shape of the legend marker (key). Possible values are: square, circle, diamond, triangleUp, triangleDown,
* triangleLeft, triangleDown, bubble, line, none.
public void setMarkerType(String markerType) {
legend.markerType = markerType;
public int getMaxColumns() {
return legend.maxColumns;
* Maximum number of columns in the legend. If ChartLegend's position is set to "right" or "left", maxColumns is
* automatically set to 1.
public void setMaxColumns(int maxColumns) {
legend.maxColumns = maxColumns;
public String getPeriodValueText() {
return legend.periodValueText;
* The text which will be displayed in the value portion of the legend when user is not hovering above any data
* point. The tags should be made out of two parts - the name of a field (value / open / close / high / low) and
* the value of the period you want to be show - open / close / high / low / sum / average / count. For example:
* [[value.sum]] means that sum of all data points of value field in the selected period will be displayed.
public void setPeriodValueText(String periodValueText) {
legend.periodValueText = periodValueText;
public String getPosition() {
return legend.position;
* Position of a legend. Possible values are: "bottom", "top", "left", "right" and "absolute". In case "absolute",
* you should set left and top properties too. (this setting is ignored in Stock charts). In case legend is used
* with AmMap, position is set to "absolute" automatically. Default to bottom
public void setPosition(String position) {
legend.position = position;
public boolean isReversedOrder() {
return legend.reversedOrder;
* Specifies whether legend entries should be placed in reversed order. Default to false
public void setReversedOrder(boolean reversedOrder) {
legend.reversedOrder = reversedOrder;
public int getRight() {
return legend.right;
* In case legend position is set to "absolute", you can set distance from right side of the chart, in pixels.
public void setRight(int right) {
legend.right = right;
public String getRollOverColor() {
return legend.rollOverColor;
* ChartLegend item text color on roll-over. Default #CC0000
public void setRollOverColor(String rollOverColor) {
legend.rollOverColor = rollOverColor;
public double getRollOverGraphAlpha() {
return legend.rollOverGraphAlpha;
* When you roll-over the legend entry, all other graphs can reduce their opacity, so that the graph you rolled-over
* would be distinguished. This style specifies the opacity of the non-hovered graphs. Default to 1
public void setRollOverGraphAlpha(double rollOverGraphAlpha) {
legend.rollOverGraphAlpha = rollOverGraphAlpha;
public boolean isShowEntries() {
return legend.showEntries;
* You can use this property to turn all the legend entries off. Default to true
public void setShowEntries(boolean showEntries) {
legend.showEntries = showEntries;
public int getSpacing() {
return legend.spacing;
* Horizontal space between legend items, in pixels. Default to 10
public void setSpacing(int spacing) {
legend.spacing = spacing;
public boolean isSwitchable() {
return legend.switchable;
* Whether showing/hiding of graphs by clicking on the legend marker is enabled or not. In case legend is used with
* AmMap, this is set to false automatically. Default to true
public void setSwitchable(boolean switchable) {
legend.switchable = switchable;
public String getSwitchColor() {
return legend.switchColor;
* ChartLegend switch color. Default to #FFFFFF
public void setSwitchColor(String switchColor) {
legend.switchColor = switchColor;
public String getSwitchType() {
return legend.switchType;
* ChartLegend switch type (in case the legend is switchable). Possible values are "x" and "v". Default to x
public void setSwitchType(String switchType) {
legend.switchType = switchType;
public int getTabIndex() {
return legend.tabIndex;
* In case you set it to some number, the chart will set focus on legend entry when user clicks tab key. When a
* focus is set, screen readers like NVDA Screen reader will read label which is set using accessibleLabel property
* of AmLegend. If legend has switchable set to true, pressing Enter (Return) key will show/hide the graph. Note,
* not all browsers and readers support legend.
public void setTabIndex(int tabIndex) {
legend.tabIndex = tabIndex;
public boolean isTextClickEnabled() {
return legend.textClickEnabled;
* If true, clicking on the text will show/hide balloon of the graph. Otherwise it will show/hide graph/slice,
* if switchable is set to true. Default to false
public void setTextClickEnabled(boolean textClickEnabled) {
legend.textClickEnabled = textClickEnabled;
public int getTop() {
* In case legend position is set to "absolute", you can set distance from top of the chart, in pixels. Default to
* false
public void setTop(int top) { = top;
public boolean isUseGraphSettings() {
return legend.useGraphSettings;
* ChartLegend markers can mirror graph’s settings, displaying a line and a real bullet as in the graph itself.
* Set this property to true if you want to enable this feature. Note, if you set graph colors in dataProvider,
* they will not be reflected in the marker. Default to false
public void setUseGraphSettings(boolean useGraphSettings) {
legend.useGraphSettings = useGraphSettings;
public boolean isUseMarkerColorForLabels() {
return legend.useMarkerColorForLabels;
* Labels will use marker color if you set this to true. Default to false
public void setUseMarkerColorForLabels(boolean useMarkerColorForLabels) {
legend.useMarkerColorForLabels = useMarkerColorForLabels;
public boolean isUseMarkerColorForValues() {
return legend.useMarkerColorForValues;
* Specifies if legend values should be use same color as corresponding markers.
public void setUseMarkerColorForValues(boolean useMarkerColorForValues) {
legend.useMarkerColorForValues = useMarkerColorForValues;
public String getValueAlign() {
return legend.valueAlign;
* Alignment of the value text. Possible values are "left" and "right". Default to Right
public void setValueAlign(String valueAlign) {
legend.valueAlign = valueAlign;
public Functions.Func getValueFunction() {
return legend.valueFunction;
* You can use it to format value labels in any way you want. ChartLegend will call this method and will pass
* GraphDataItem and formatted text of currently hovered item (works only with ChartCursor added to the chart).
* This method should return legend. string which will be displayed as value in the legend.
public void setValueFunction(Functions.Func valueFunction) {
legend.valueFunction = valueFunction;
public String getValueText() {
return legend.valueText;
* The text which will be displayed in the value portion of the legend. You can use tags like [[value]], [[open]],
* [[high]], [[low]], [[close]], [[percents]], [[description]]. Default to [[value]]
public void setValueText(String valueText) {
legend.valueText = valueText;
public int getValueWidth() {
return legend.valueWidth;
* Width of the value text. Default to 50
public void setValueWidth(int valueWidth) {
legend.valueWidth = valueWidth;
public int getVerticalGap() {
return legend.verticalGap;
* Vertical space between legend items also between legend border and first and last legend row. Default to 10
public void setVerticalGap(int verticalGap) {
legend.verticalGap = verticalGap;
public int getWidth() {
return legend.width;
* Width of a legend, when position is set to absolute.
public void setWidth(int width) {
legend.width = width;
public AmLegend getLegend() {
return legend;
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