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Created July 10, 2012 12:19
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Typesafe conversion from List[Any] to a case class, via shapeless
case class ZeeingEvent(
zid: String,
kind: String,
showId: String,
show_name: Option[String],
time: DateTime
) {
require (kind == "StartedZeeing" || kind == "EndedZeeing")
object ZeeingEvent {
implicit val iso = HListIso(ZeeingEvent.apply _, ZeeingEvent.unapply _)
def fromList(l: List[Any]): ZeeingEvent = {
def toHList[HL <: HList](
iso: HListIso[ZeeingEvent, HL],
typeable: Typeable[HL]
): Option[HL] =
toHList map {iso.fromHList} getOrElse {
sys.error("couldn't parse list as zeeing event: " + l)
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