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Last active October 18, 2024 16:51
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Use ffmpeg to build prores proxies for Premiere Pro
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Usage notes
# ===========
# proxy_watermark.png needs to be in the same directory as the script
# download from here:
# on OSX, both pv and ffmpeg will need to be installed via homebrew
scriptdir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
echo "outputfile = $outputfile"
mkdir -p Proxies
# find input resolution
# =====================
# input aspects:
# cine 4K = 4096:2160 (1.9:1 = 1.896) - proxy at 1024:540
# UHD(4K) = 3840:2160 (16:9 = 1.777) - proxy at 720p
# 1080p = 1920:1080 (16:9 = 1.777) - proxy at 720p
# 720p = 1280:720 (16:9 = 1.777)
# proxy aspects:
# 1024x540 = 1.9:1
# 1280x720 = 16:9
# 1536x790 = ??? (1.944)
eval $(ffprobe -v error -of flat=s=_ -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=height,width $inputfile)
#TODO: make this 1024:540 if source is C4K
echo "inputres = $inputres"
echo "outputres = $outputres"
# ===========
# pv = pipeview, shows progress and estimated time
# -v warning turn down verbosity to only warnings
# -profile:v N
# where N = 0 -> proxy 1 -> lt 2 -> std 3 -> hq
# -i logo.png = a SECOND input file, with an overlay image
# -filter_complex "overlay=W-w-5:H-h-5/2" = make an overlay, position 5px from bottom-right
pv $inputfile | ffmpeg \
-loglevel warning \
-i pipe:0 \
-i "$scriptdir/proxy_watermark.png" \
-filter_complex "[0:v]scale=$outputres, overlay=W-w-5:H-h-5/2" \
-codec:a copy \
-codec:v prores \
-profile:v 0 \
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kevinwright commented Dec 5, 2022

Hi @anjszulc
If you copy/pasted the file then you probably haven't flagged it as being executable.

You can do that with

chmod +x /Volumes/6TB\ HDD\ Venom/ResilioSync/prores/

I've also updated the gist to quote filenames in a couple of places where it would have got confused by spaces in the script path

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