This is an incomplete list of resources including courses and individuals who publish content that has helped me grow as a web developer and designer. Many of these resources are WordPress-specific as that is my current area of specialization. This list will grow over time. If you've got something to add, send me a link @kevinwhoffman and I'll check it out!
- Frontend Masters
- JavaScript for WordPress
- KnowtheCode
- Laracasts
- Level Up Tutorials
- Pippin's Plugins
- Pluralsight
- Wes Bos Courses
- WordPress Courses by Brian Hogg
- Alain Schlesser - @schlessera
- Carl Alexander - @twigpress
- John James Jacoby - @JJJ
- Josh Pollock - @Josh412
- Tom McFarlin - @tommcfarlin
- Tonya Mork - @hellofromTonya
- Ahmad Awais - @MrAhmadAwais
- CSS Tricks
- CSS Wizardry
- ES6 Interactive Guide
- ES6 In Depth
- Jen Simmons - @jensimmons
- Morten Rand-Hendriksen - @mor10
- Mozilla Developer Network
- Rachel Andrew - @rachelandrew
- SurviveJS - @survivejs
- Todd Motto - @toddmotto
- Wes Bos - @wesbos
- You Don't Know JS
- Advanced WordPress Facebook Group
- Gutenberg GitHub Repository
- Gutenberg Boilerplate
- WordImpress Blog
- WordPress Code Reference
- WordPress Theme Handbook
- WordPress Plugin Handbook
- WordPress REST API Handbook
- WP-CLI Commands Reference
- WPShout
- The A11y Project
- A11ycasts with Rob Dodson - @rob_dodson
- Accessibility for Everyone - @laurakalbag
- Deborah Edwards-Onoro's Weekly Roundups - @redcrew
- Falling in Love with Forms - @AaronGustafson
- Introduction to Web Accessibility with Google
- Rachel Cherry - @bamadesigner
- Rian Rietveld - @RianRietveld
- WebAIM
- WPCampus Accessibility Resources - This is a big list so expect some overlap.
More resources listed here.