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Last active April 18, 2023 09:55
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Pytorch activation function speed

Performance for activation function

timeit applied to various Pytorch activation function on CPU and GPU, on a tensor of shape (20000,)

You must run this in a IPython session. Pytorch version is 2.0.0+cu117.



Activation GPU time CPU time
Mish 7.78 µs ± 73.7 ns 107 µs ± 2.83 µs
ReLU 8.15 µs ± 61 ns 7.54 µs ± 107 ns
SiLU 7.93 µs ± 16.9 ns 16.4 µs ± 67.9 ns
Sigmoid 6.49 µs ± 51.1 ns 14.6 µs ± 49.1 ns
Tanh 6.47 µs ± 49.4 ns 13.6 µs ± 351 ns
ELU 8.54 µs ± 55.3 ns 15.5 µs ± 356 ns
CELU 8.59 µs ± 38.9 ns 15.3 µs ± 78.7 ns
SELU 7.85 µs ± 72.7 ns 14.5 µs ± 78.4 ns
GELU 7.83 µs ± 117 ns 28 µs ± 6.88 µs
LeakyReLU 8.53 µs ± 59.6 ns 8.6 µs ± 341 ns
LogSigmoid 7.21 µs ± 139 ns 27.9 µs ± 482 ns
Softplus 8.59 µs ± 52.7 ns 44.7 µs ± 596 ns
Softsign 13.7 µs ± 57.7 ns 14.4 µs ± 217 ns
Tanhshrink 9.53 µs ± 50.3 ns 19.5 µs ± 283 ns
Softmin 14 µs ± 262 ns 22 µs ± 354 ns
Softmax 12.4 µs ± 212 ns 19.2 µs ± 280 ns
LogSoftmax 10.2 µs ± 64.4 ns 18.8 µs ± 307 ns
import torch
from torch import nn
fns = [
nn.CELU, nn.ELU, nn.GELU, nn.LeakyReLU, nn.LogSigmoid, nn.LogSoftmax, nn.Mish, nn.ReLU, nn.SELU,
nn.Sigmoid, nn.SiLU, nn.Softmax, nn.Softmin, nn.Softplus, nn.Softsign, nn.Tanh, nn.Tanhshrink
for dd in ["cuda", "cpu"]:
x = torch.arange(-10, 10, 0.001, device=dd) # shape=(20000,)
for ff in fns:
print(dd, ff.__qualname__)
%timeit -r7 -n10000 _ = ff()(x)
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