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Last active July 23, 2024 20:57
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BFS-based Solver for the Game Beltmatic
from collections import deque
# Define operations as functions
def add(x, y): return x + y
def sub(x, y): return x - y
def mul(x, y): return x * y
def exp(x, y): return x ** y
def div(x, y):
if y == 0: return None
q, r = divmod(x, y)
return (q, r)
operations = [
('+', add),
('-', sub),
('*', mul),
('^', exp),
('/', div)
def construct_number(target):
# Initialize BFS queue with initial numbers and their operations
queue = deque([(num, [(num, '')]) for num in range(1, MAX_NUMBER) if num != 10])
seen = set(num for num in range(1, MAX_NUMBER) if num != 10)
while queue:
current_value, operations_list = queue.popleft()
if current_value == target:
return operations_list
for num in [num for num in range(1, MAX_NUMBER) if num != 10]:
for symbol, operation in operations:
if symbol == '/':
result = operation(current_value, num)
if result:
quotient, remainder = result
if quotient not in seen:
queue.append((quotient, operations_list + [(quotient, symbol, num)]))
if remainder not in seen and remainder != 0:
queue.append((remainder, operations_list + [(remainder, '%', num)]))
result = operation(current_value, num)
if result not in seen:
queue.append((result, operations_list + [(result, symbol, num)]))
return []
def format_operations(operations_list):
formatted = []
for i, operation in enumerate(operations_list):
if i == 0:
formatted.append(f"{operations_list[i-1][0]} {operation[1]} {operation[2]} = {operation[0]}")
return formatted
if __name__ == "__main__":
target_number = int(input("Enter the target number: "))
sequence = construct_number(target_number)
if sequence:
print("Sequence of operations:", format_operations(sequence))
print("No sequence found to construct the target number.")
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