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Created March 9, 2016 14:40
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## Size of the database cache in megabytes; minimum 4.
## Lowering this lowers the amount of memory your node uses
## Number of CPU cores to use for signature verification. The Raspberry Pi 2
## has four cores, so leaving one core free will help prevent your
## computer from slowing down too much when receiving blocks and
## transactions. If you want to verify faster (useful in mining and
## merchant settings), increase this number (up to the max 4 cores)
## Disable UPnP. This was the result of a vulnerability in previous
## versions of Bitcoin and it is suspected that additional
## vulnerabilities may remain. However, disabling this means that you
## will certainly need to manually allow incoming connections if you
## want them.
## Maximum number of connections, up to 125. If your node is using
## too much bandwidth, lowering this number and restating your node
## will probably help.
## Do not relay low fee transactions. This helps with keeping memory usage under
## control during periods of high congestion.
## Only use 1 thread for incoming RPC connections - saves memory again.
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