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Created July 30, 2011 18:14
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Migrate your blogger blog posts to jekyll.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Convert blogger (blogspot) posts to jekyll posts
# Basic Usage
# -----------
# ./blogger_to_jekyll.rb feed_url
# where `feed_url` can have the following format:
# http://{your_blog_name}
# Requirements
# ------------
# * feedzirra:
# Notes
# -----
# * Make sure Blogger shows full output of article in feeds.
# * Commenting on migrated articles will be set to false by default.
include Config
require 'rubygems' if CONFIG['host_os'].start_with? "darwin"
require 'feedzirra'
require 'date'
require 'optparse'
def parse_post_entries(feed, verbose)
posts = []
feed.entries.each do |post|
obj =
created_datetime = post.updated
creation_date = Date.parse(created_datetime.to_s)
title = post.title
file_name = creation_date.to_s + "-" + title.split(/ */).join("-").delete('\/') + ".html"
content = post.content
obj["file_name"] = file_name
obj["title"] = title
obj["creation_datetime"] = created_datetime
obj["updated_datetime"] = post.updated
obj["content"] = content
obj["categories"] = post.categories.join(" ")
return posts
def write_posts(posts, verbose)
Dir.mkdir("_posts") unless"_posts")
total = posts.length, i = 1
posts.each do |post|
file_name = "_posts/".concat(post["file_name"])
header = %{---
layout: post
title: #{post["title"]}
date: #{post["creation_datetime"]}
updated: #{post["updated_datetime"]}
comments: false
categories: #{post["categories"]}
}, "w+") {|f|
if verbose
puts " [#{i}/#{total[0]}] Written post #{file_name}"
i += 1
def main
options = {}
opt_parser = do |opt|
opt.banner = "Usage: ./blogger_to_jekyll.rb FEED_URL [OPTIONS]"
opt.separator ""
opt.separator "Options"
opt.on("-v", "--verbose", "Print out all.") do
options[:verbose] = true
if ARGV[0]
feed_url = ARGV.first
puts opt_parser
puts "Fetching feed #{feed_url}..."
feed = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse(feed_url)
puts "Parsing feed..."
posts = parse_post_entries(feed, options[:verbose])
puts "Writing posts to _posts/..."
write_posts(posts, options[:verbose])
puts "Done!"
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raphink commented Aug 13, 2014

+1 for feedjira

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thanks for script!
when I rename feedzirra to feedjira, it work.
but feeds/posts/default option parse only some part of all my posts.
so, I change feeds/posts/default to feeds/posts/default?max-results=100 and it parse all my post.

I link about parsing all post.

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I´m getting blogspot_to_jekyll.rb:25:in

': Use RbConfig instead of obsolete and deprecated Config.
blogspot_to_jekyll.rb:27:in <main>': uninitialized constant CONFIG (NameError) after rename it to feedjira, why?

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@danielgomezrico I got the same problem and solved it on my fork @kennym if you want, you can update yours from my code 😄 👍

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Hi kennym,
Great code. Worked for me on Yosemite with some minor changes.

I removed the deprecated CONFIG call. I think rubygems is now required for El Capitan anyway.

Feedzirra is now called feedjira, so I made the appropriate changes in the code.

After these two minor changes, the code worked perfectly 10.11.3

Feel free to do a pull and merge. In my commit message, i inadvertently stated I was updated for Yosemite. This is my first fork, edit, and push of code on Git, and my first time working in Ruby.

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savita20 commented May 3, 2018

Even I need help to migrate my blog '' from blogspot to GitHub blog. Can you suggest me is it doable and if yes and how can we do that?

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main': undefined method fetch_and_parse' for Feedjira::Feed:Class (NoMethodError)

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kennym commented Jan 24, 2020

@yuceltoluyag - I'm pretty sure this script might need some updates after 9 years :-D

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@yuceltoluyag - I'm pretty sure this script might need some updates after 9 years :-D solved my problem =) ty for answer ;)

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I am getting this error <internal:C:/Ruby30-x64/lib/ruby/3.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:85:in require': cannot load such file -- feedzirra`

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If anyone looking new changes. This is my fork

Thanks for the update. I have updated the code to fix few more errors which I have encountered.

My Fork:


  • added <require 'httparty'>
  • created "" which will make a ruby environment to run the script in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • fixed script error[Invalid argument @ rb_sysopen --- post name ---- (Errno::EINVAL)] when running on posts with invalid post names with ":" & "*"

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