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Last active May 22, 2023 12:38
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A bash script to install all Google Fonts, system wide, on debian based systems (ex. Ubuntu)
# Written by: Keefer Rourke <>
# Based on AUR package <>
# dependancies: fonts-cantarell, ttf-ubuntu-font-family, git
sudo apt-get install fonts-cantarell ttf-ubuntu-font-family git
mkdir $srcdir
cd $srcdir
echo "Cloning Git repository..."
git clone $giturl
echo "Installing fonts..."
sudo mkdir -p $pkgdir
sudo find $srcdir -type f -name "*.ttf" -exec install -Dm644 {} $pkgdir \;
echo "Cleaning up..."
sudo find $pkgdir -type f -name "Cantarell-*.ttf" -delete \;
sudo find $pkgdir -type f -name "Ubuntu-*.ttf" -delete \;
# provides roboto
sudo apt-get --purge remove fonts-roboto
echo "Updating font-cache..."
sudo fc-cache -f > /dev/null
echo "Done!"
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Great :) Works really well!

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kn100 commented Aug 21, 2018

Simple and effective, thanks!

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Here's a simpler solution. In your home directory:

mkdir .fonts
git clone git:// .fonts/google-fonts
fc-cache -f

There are other directories where you can store fonts, e.g. ~/.local/share/fonts or /usr/local/share/fonts if you want them to be available to all users. See for more info.

PS if there are any fonts that you don't want to import (for example system fonts that you already have like google-fonts/ofl/cantarell or google-fonts/ufl/ubuntu) just delete the directories for the fonts you don't want to import before running fc-cache.

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nicola-lunghi commented Oct 15, 2018

Some suggestion

git clone --depth=1 $giturl

also is ttf not tff :-)

sudo find $pkgdir -type f -name "Cantarell-*.ttf" -delete \;
sudo find $pkgdir -type f -name "Ubuntu-*.ttf" -delete \;

see also here

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works like a charm!

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oleersoy commented Aug 9, 2019

Awesome - Thank you so much!!

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Hello, please tell me how to instal gg font with bash file? im amateur, dont know how to use this *.sh file

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Hi, is it failed:
$ sudo ./
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package fonts-cantarell,
E: Unable to locate package ttf-ubuntu-font-family,
Cloning Git repository...
Cloning into 'fonts'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 18, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (18/18), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (18/18), done.
remote: Total 25176 (delta 2), reused 10 (delta 0), pack-reused 25158
Receiving objects: 100% (25176/25176), 528.05 MiB | 1.44 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (13576/13576), done.
Updating files: 100% (7041/7041), done.
Installing fonts...
Cleaning up...
find: paths must precede expression: ;' find: paths must precede expression: ;'
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package 'fonts-roboto' is not installed, so not removed
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 14 not upgraded.
Updating font-cache...

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@oldman20 I know this worked at the time that I wrote and published it, but that was a long time ago and I no longer use debian/ubuntu personally. Sorry I can't help.

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thanks anyway, bad news :(

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Failing due to commas in apt-get statement. Does not install Cantrell Ubuntu or Git just skips them. Also, apt-get is obsolete you could just use apt. Lastly, Personally, I would uninstall roboto before I installed anything at all.

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@skylerwebdev hey, this is just a gist — I've updated the script to remove the commas, but really — it's 4 years old and probably no longer up to date. Don't use this.

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@keeferrourke I will be steailing this gist and giving you props it still works 100% and is the only gist out there that does so! I actually went thru to the git link u have posted to googlefonts and last update was 3 days ago GREAT JOB

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ctjlewis commented Sep 7, 2020

This still works really well! The Google Fonts repo seems to be maintained @ and this still seems safe to use. Even on 20.04 fonts-cantarell and fonts-roboto are still available in universe repos. Thank you for publishing this!

If anyone wants a GUI, they can check out typecatcher:

sudo apt-get install -y typecatcher

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make the script executable, then ....


still working fine 11/05/2020

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Glad to know it still works 🎉

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mhmyu commented Jun 20, 2021

make the script executable, then ....


still working fine 11/05/2020

still working for me 06/20/2021 on ubuntu 20 04
download ZIP file > unZIP > right click > Properties > Permission > select execute : allow executing file as program > close properties > open terminal and run ./

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ctjlewis commented Aug 4, 2021

@keeferrourke, could I make a suggestion to change line 15 to git clone $giturl --depth 1 so that unnecessary git history is not cloned? Makes for a much faster install.

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Still working like a charm!

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i've create an installer for individual fonts, and for more systems, than just debian:

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