1. Where do I get started? Or, I just finished a session, how do I look up x topic?
Prefer videos? Udacity's free and excellent Technical Interviewing course (https://www.udacity.com/course/technical-interview--ud513) (2.5 hrs)
Prefer reading? Bradfield's free and excellent online book (https://bradfieldcs.com/algos/)
Prefer reading 2.0 ? Eloquent Javascript's free and excellent online book (http://eloquentjavascript.net/) with interactive codeboxes
- Suitable if you're learning how to code && developing your algorithmically-thinking skills at the same time
Prefer visualizations? Vaidehi Joshi at BaseCS (https://medium.com/basecs) writes excellent weekly blog posts - her notes are colorful and help you visualize.
Prefer a physical book with helpful visualizations? Grokking Algorithms (https://www.manning.com/books/grokking-algorithms) by an Etsy engineer & artist ~$20 (code samples in Python)
2. How many problems/time do you recommend I spend?
3 problems a day
Group similar problems and topics, i.e. learn about prime numbers then do three different problems on Primes
3. IDK if I'm ready to try Pramp/Project Euler
Suggested roadmaps:
Implement a frequency hash (step-by-step instructions here (https://eloquentjavascript.net/05_higher_order.html#h_I9XoVSLsTV)). Then you're ready for Pramp (real example here (https://repl.it/JEuZ/6))
For Project Euler, once you can implement Sieve of Eratosthenes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieve_of_Eratosthenes), you're ready to tackle the top three questions on primes.
4. Other recommendations
CoderByte (https://coderbyte.com/challenges/) for practice problems
Ignore the regexp problems
For comparison, Kat is currently at 51/81 easy, 23/74 medium, and 3/51 hard challenges completed.
Pramp (https://www.pramp.com/) for interview practice - peer interviewing
- Next level:
More mathy? Try Project Euler (https://projecteuler.net/)
Need interviews more than you need interview practice? Try beating the company bots at CodeFights (https://codefights.com/company-bots)