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Last active September 27, 2017 11:43
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Aug 29 WWC Technical Interviewing and Algorithms Workshop - focus: Dynamic Programming

Hi everyone, Thanks for a lovely and productive session this week.

Covered -

Dynamic Programming

  1. Find max of array

  2. Stock price:

  3. Ways to climb stairs:

  4. Discussion: Fibonacci with memoization, only two variables

  5. Rob houses (also see my solution below):

def rob(nums):
    if len(nums) == 0:  return 0
    if len(nums) <= 2:  return max(nums)

    max_money = [0] * len(nums)
    max_money[0] = nums[0]
    max_money[1] = max(nums[0], nums[1])

    for house in xrange(2, len(nums)):
        max_money[house] = max(max_money[house-1], max_money[house-2]+nums[house])

    return max_money
  1. Mentioned: Knapsack problem

Resources discussed:

  1. HackerRank/Leetcode
  2. Pramp
  3. Coderbyte

4.Upcoming technical interview workshop with the author of Cracking the Coding Interview:

It's tomorrow! Aug 29

Let me know if I missed anything!

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