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# (C) Kyle Kastner, June 2014 | |
# License: BSD 3 clause | |
import scipy.stats as st | |
import numpy as np | |
class gmmhmm: | |
#This class converted with modifications from https://code.google.com/p/hmm-speech-recognition/source/browse/Word.m | |
def __init__(self, n_states): | |
self.n_states = n_states | |
self.random_state = np.random.RandomState(0) | |
#Normalize random initial state | |
self.prior = self._normalize(self.random_state.rand(self.n_states, 1)) | |
self.A = self._stochasticize(self.random_state.rand(self.n_states, self.n_states)) | |
self.mu = None | |
self.covs = None | |
self.n_dims = None | |
def _forward(self, B): | |
log_likelihood = 0. | |
T = B.shape[1] | |
alpha = np.zeros(B.shape) | |
for t in range(T): | |
if t == 0: | |
alpha[:, t] = B[:, t] * self.prior.ravel() | |
else: | |
alpha[:, t] = B[:, t] * np.dot(self.A.T, alpha[:, t - 1]) | |
alpha_sum = np.sum(alpha[:, t]) | |
alpha[:, t] /= alpha_sum | |
log_likelihood = log_likelihood + np.log(alpha_sum) | |
return log_likelihood, alpha | |
def _backward(self, B): | |
T = B.shape[1] | |
beta = np.zeros(B.shape); | |
beta[:, -1] = np.ones(B.shape[0]) | |
for t in range(T - 1)[::-1]: | |
beta[:, t] = np.dot(self.A, (B[:, t + 1] * beta[:, t + 1])) | |
beta[:, t] /= np.sum(beta[:, t]) | |
return beta | |
def _state_likelihood(self, obs): | |
obs = np.atleast_2d(obs) | |
B = np.zeros((self.n_states, obs.shape[1])) | |
for s in range(self.n_states): | |
#Needs scipy 0.14 | |
B[s, :] = st.multivariate_normal.pdf(obs.T, mean=self.mu[:, s].T, cov=self.covs[:, :, s].T) | |
#This function can (and will!) return values >> 1 | |
#See the discussion here for the equivalent matlab function | |
#https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.soft-sys.matlab/YksWK0T74Ak | |
#Key line: "Probabilities have to be less than 1, | |
#Densities can be anything, even infinite (at individual points)." | |
#This is evaluating the density at individual points... | |
return B | |
def _normalize(self, x): | |
return (x + (x == 0)) / np.sum(x) | |
def _stochasticize(self, x): | |
return (x + (x == 0)) / np.sum(x, axis=1) | |
def _em_init(self, obs): | |
#Using this _em_init function allows for less required constructor args | |
if self.n_dims is None: | |
self.n_dims = obs.shape[0] | |
if self.mu is None: | |
subset = self.random_state.choice(np.arange(self.n_dims), size=self.n_states, replace=False) | |
self.mu = obs[:, subset] | |
if self.covs is None: | |
self.covs = np.zeros((self.n_dims, self.n_dims, self.n_states)) | |
self.covs += np.diag(np.diag(np.cov(obs)))[:, :, None] | |
return self | |
def _em_step(self, obs): | |
obs = np.atleast_2d(obs) | |
B = self._state_likelihood(obs) | |
T = obs.shape[1] | |
log_likelihood, alpha = self._forward(B) | |
beta = self._backward(B) | |
xi_sum = np.zeros((self.n_states, self.n_states)) | |
gamma = np.zeros((self.n_states, T)) | |
for t in range(T - 1): | |
partial_sum = self.A * np.dot(alpha[:, t], (beta[:, t] * B[:, t + 1]).T) | |
xi_sum += self._normalize(partial_sum) | |
partial_g = alpha[:, t] * beta[:, t] | |
gamma[:, t] = self._normalize(partial_g) | |
partial_g = alpha[:, -1] * beta[:, -1] | |
gamma[:, -1] = self._normalize(partial_g) | |
expected_prior = gamma[:, 0] | |
expected_A = self._stochasticize(xi_sum) | |
expected_mu = np.zeros((self.n_dims, self.n_states)) | |
expected_covs = np.zeros((self.n_dims, self.n_dims, self.n_states)) | |
gamma_state_sum = np.sum(gamma, axis=1) | |
#Set zeros to 1 before dividing | |
gamma_state_sum = gamma_state_sum + (gamma_state_sum == 0) | |
for s in range(self.n_states): | |
gamma_obs = obs * gamma[s, :] | |
expected_mu[:, s] = np.sum(gamma_obs, axis=1) / gamma_state_sum[s] | |
partial_covs = np.dot(gamma_obs, obs.T) / gamma_state_sum[s] - np.dot(expected_mu[:, s], expected_mu[:, s].T) | |
#Symmetrize | |
partial_covs = np.triu(partial_covs) + np.triu(partial_covs).T - np.diag(partial_covs) | |
#Ensure positive semidefinite by adding diagonal loading | |
expected_covs += .01 * np.eye(self.n_dims)[:, :, None] | |
self.prior = expected_prior | |
self.mu = expected_mu | |
self.covs = expected_covs | |
self.A = expected_A | |
return log_likelihood | |
def fit(self, obs, n_iter=15): | |
#Support for 2D and 3D arrays | |
#2D should be n_features, n_dims | |
#3D should be n_examples, n_features, n_dims | |
#For example, with 6 features per speech segment, 105 different words | |
#this array should be size | |
#(105, 6, X) where X is the number of frames with features extracted | |
#For a single example file, the array should be size (6, X) | |
if len(obs.shape) == 2: | |
for i in range(n_iter): | |
self._em_init(obs) | |
log_likelihood = self._em_step(obs) | |
elif len(obs.shape) == 3: | |
count = obs.shape[0] | |
for n in range(count): | |
for i in range(n_iter): | |
self._em_init(obs[n, :, :]) | |
log_likelihood = self._em_step(obs[n, :, :]) | |
return self | |
def transform(self, obs): | |
#Support for 2D and 3D arrays | |
#2D should be n_features, n_dims | |
#3D should be n_examples, n_features, n_dims | |
#For example, with 6 features per speech segment, 105 different words | |
#this array should be size | |
#(105, 6, X) where X is the number of frames with features extracted | |
#For a single example file, the array should be size (6, X) | |
if len(obs.shape) == 2: | |
B = self._state_likelihood(obs) | |
log_likelihood, _ = self._forward(B) | |
return log_likelihood | |
elif len(obs.shape) == 3: | |
count = obs.shape[0] | |
out = np.zeros((count,)) | |
for n in range(count): | |
B = self._state_likelihood(obs[n, :, :]) | |
log_likelihood, _ = self._forward(B) | |
out[n] = log_likelihood | |
return out | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
rstate = np.random.RandomState(0) | |
t1 = np.ones((4, 40)) + .001 * rstate.rand(4, 40) | |
t1 /= t1.sum(axis=0) | |
t2 = rstate.rand(*t1.shape) | |
t2 /= t2.sum(axis=0) | |
m1 = gmmhmm(2) | |
m1.fit(t1) | |
m2 = gmmhmm(2) | |
m2.fit(t2) | |
m1t1 = m1.transform(t1) | |
m2t1 = m2.transform(t1) | |
print "Likelihoods for test set 1" | |
print "M1:",m1t1 | |
print "M2:",m2t1 | |
print "Prediction for test set 1" | |
print "Model", np.argmax([m1t1, m2t1]) + 1 | |
m1t2 = m1.transform(t2) | |
m2t2 = m2.transform(t2) | |
print "Likelihoods for test set 2" | |
print "M1:",m1t2 | |
print "M2:",m2t2 | |
print "Prediction for test set 2" | |
print "Model", np.argmax([m1t2, m2t2]) + 1 |
Hi, I didn't have issues with this code here: http://kastnerkyle.github.io/posts/single-speaker-word-recognition-with-hidden-markov-models/ and it was using the same files from that MATLAB demo. Can you describe a bit more what you did? One thing you can try is adding a small positive constant to the diagonal of the covariance in the _state_likelihood - that often helps with these small numerical issues.
Hello Kastnerkyle,
I am trying to implement the example you have given, (apple-banana-pineapple,,,) using the hmmlearn python module. I am unable to use the model.fit(X) command properly, as I can't make sense of what X should be like. (I have understood what it is in your implementation). Could you please guide me in this case?
Any response would be greatly appreciated.
You might want to look at the help of HMMLEARN for this purpose: https://github.com/hmmlearn/hmmlearn/blob/master/doc/tutorial.rst
Just copy paste of the thing you need (if I understood well):
Working with multiple sequences
All of the examples so far were using a single sequence of observations. The input format in the case of multiple sequences is a bit involved and is best understood by example.
Consider two 1D sequences:
X1 = [[0.5], [1.0], [-1.0], [0.42], [0.24]]
X2 = [[2.4], [4.2], [0.5], [-0.24]]
To pass both sequences to :meth:~base._BaseHMM.fit
or :meth:~base._BaseHMM.predict
first concatenate them into a single array and then compute an array of sequence lengths:
X = np.concatenate([X1, X2])
lengths = [len(X1), len(X2)]
Finally just call the desired method with X and lengths:
hmm.GaussianHMM(n_components=3).fit(X, lengths) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
GaussianHMM(algorithm='viterbi', ...
Hi kastnerkyle,
I found that the python code above is a GaussianHMM instead of a GMMHMM as the emission distribution for one dimension has only one center, so there is no "mixture". I wonder if it is right. Thank you.
I think this is NOT a GMM-HMM, the code has no "mixture" of multiple Gaussian components for each state, but rather a multivariate Gaussian for each state. Thanks.
I Think there is something wrong with this declaration
partial_sum = self.A * np.dot(alpha[:, t], (beta[:, t] * B[:, t + 1]).T)
I think it should be
partial_sum = self.A * np.dot(alpha[:, t], (beta[:, t+1] * B[:, t + 1]).T)
Please tell me what am I missing if I am wrong with this declaration.
I am new to statistical analysis. I will give a detailed description of my problem as follows: I have a 4D data set as follows:
ObjectID | The number feature of every Object | The length of every feature | Types |
1 | 100 | 64 | 1 |
2 | 100 | 64 | 1 |
3 | 100 | 64 | 2 |
4 | 100 | 64 | 3 |
··· | ···· | ····· |
The shape likes (objID, num_feature of every Object, len_feature, Types),e.g.(274500,100,64,10). How should I use hmmlearn or pomegranate HMM for recognition on these 4D data?
This is NOT a GMMHMM; it is GaussianHMM.
This is NOT a GMMHMM; it is GaussianHMM.
Hi kastnerkyle,
I am really intresting to find good example of GMM-HMM for for speech recognition.
I wanted to use your code to test matlab example https://code.google.com/p/hmm-speech-recognition/source/browse/Word.m from which you made python code. So I tried to use matlab project audio files. But I found that in your python code could be mistake:
partial_covs = np.triu(partial_covs) + np.triu(partial_covs).T - np.diag(partial_covs)
should be
expected_covs[:,:, s] = np.triu(partial_covs) + np.triu(partial_covs).T - np.diag(partial_covs)
With real audio files where are in matlab project I tried to make work it with your python code and I couldnt make it work. Your example are working with generated numbers, but with real audio didnt work. So when I found that problem which I describe before after that I get a new one error:
"ValueError: the input matrix must be positive semidefinite"
And it is come from def _state_likelihood(self, obs) function.