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Created December 12, 2024 02:45
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T-Server Christmas
USE tempdb
-- Prepare the scene
CREATE TABLE #ChristmasScene
item VARCHAR(32)
) ;
--Put up the tree and star
INSERT INTO #ChristmasScene
VALUES ( 'Tree',
'POLYGON((4 0, 0 0, 3 2, 1 2, 3 4, 1 4, 3 6, 2 6, 4 8, 6 6, 5 6, 7 4, 5 4, 7 2, 5 2, 8 0, 4 0))' ),
( 'Base', 'POLYGON((2.5 0, 3 -1, 5 -1, 5.5 0, 2.5 0))' ),
( 'Star',
'POLYGON((4 7.5, 3.5 7.25, 3.6 7.9, 3.1 8.2, 3.8 8.2, 4 8.9, 4.2 8.2, 4.9 8.2, 4.4 7.9, 4.5 7.25, 4 7.5))' )
--Decorate the tree
,@x INT
,@y INT ;
WHILE ( @i < 20 )
INSERT INTO #ChristmasScene
VALUES ( 'Bauble' + CAST(@i AS VARCHAR(8)),
GEOMETRY::Point(RAND() * 5 + 1.5, RAND() * 6, 0).STBuffer(0.3) )
SET @i = @i + 1 ;
--Christmas Greeting
INSERT INTO #ChristmasScene
'POLYGON((0 10, 0 11, 0.25 11, 0.5 10.5, 0.75 11, 1 11, 1 10, 0.75 10, 0.75 10.7, 0.5 10.2, 0.25 10.7, 0.25 10, 0 10))' ),
( 'E',
'POLYGON((1 10, 1 11, 2 11, 2 10.8, 1.25 10.8, 1.25 10.6, 1.75 10.6, 1.75 10.4, 1.25 10.4, 1.25 10.2, 2 10.2, 2 10, 1 10))' ),
( 'R',
'POLYGON((2 10, 2 11, 3 11, 3 10.5, 2.4 10.5, 3 10, 2.7 10, 2.2 10.4, 2.2 10, 2 10),(2.2 10.8, 2.8 10.8, 2.8 10.7, 2.2 10.7, 2.2 10.8))' ),
( 'R',
'POLYGON((3 10, 3 11, 4 11, 4 10.5, 3.4 10.5, 4 10, 3.7 10, 3.2 10.4, 3.2 10, 3 10),(3.2 10.8, 3.8 10.8, 3.8 10.7, 3.2 10.7, 3.2 10.8))' ),
( 'Y',
'POLYGON((4 11, 4.2 11, 4.5 10.6, 4.8 11, 5 11, 4.6 10.5, 4.6 10, 4.4 10, 4.4 10.5, 4 11))' ),
( 'C',
'POLYGON((0 9, 0 10, 1 10, 1 9.8, 0.2 9.8, 0.2 9.2, 1 9.2, 1 9, 0 9))' ),
( 'H',
'POLYGON((1 9, 1 10, 1.2 10, 1.2 9.6, 1.8 9.6, 1.8 10, 2 10, 2 9, 1.8 9, 1.8 9.4, 1.2 9.4, 1.2 9, 1 9))' ),
( 'R',
'POLYGON((2 9, 2 10, 3 10, 3 9.5, 2.4 9.5, 3 9, 2.7 9, 2.2 9.4, 2.2 9, 2 9),(2.2 9.8, 2.8 9.8, 2.8 9.7, 2.2 9.7, 2.2 9.8))' ),
( 'I',
'POLYGON((3.2 9, 3.2 9.2, 3.4 9.2, 3.4 9.8, 3.2 9.8, 3.2 10, 3.8 10, 3.8 9.8, 3.6 9.8, 3.6 9.2, 3.8 9.2, 3.8 9, 3.2 9))' ),
( 'S',
'POLYGON((4 9, 4 9.2, 4.8 9.2, 4.8 9.4, 4 9.4, 4 10, 5 10, 5 9.8, 4.2 9.8, 4.2 9.6, 5 9.6, 5 9, 4 9))' ),
( 'T',
'POLYGON((5 9.8, 5 10, 6 10, 6 9.8, 5.6 9.8, 5.6 9, 5.4 9, 5.4 9.8, 5 9.8))' ),
( 'M',
'POLYGON((6 9, 6 10, 6.25 10, 6.5 9.5, 6.75 10, 7 10, 7 9, 6.75 9, 6.75 9.7, 6.5 9.2, 6.25 9.7, 6.25 9, 6 9))' ),
( 'A',
'POLYGON((7 9, 7 10, 8 10, 8 9, 7.75 9, 7.75 9.3, 7.25 9.3, 7.25 9, 7 9),(7.25 9.5, 7.25 9.8, 7.75 9.8, 7.75 9.5, 7.25 9.5))' ),
( 'S',
'POLYGON((8 9, 8 9.2, 8.8 9.2, 8.8 9.4, 8 9.4, 8 10, 9 10, 9 9.8, 8.2 9.8, 8.2 9.6, 9 9.6, 9 9, 8 9))' ) ;
--Admire the scene
FROM #ChristmasScene -- Tidy up the pine needles and put away the decorations
DROP TABLE #ChristmasScene
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