Textual version of the JavaScript roadmap roadmap.sh/javascript
- Introduction to JavaScript
- What is JavaScript?
- History of JavaScript
- JavaScript Versions
- How to Run JavaScript
- All about Variables
- Rules for naming variables
- Variable Declarations
- var
- let
- const
- Variable Scopes
- Block Scope
- Global Scope
- Function Scope
- Hoisting
- Data Types
- Primitive Types
- string
- number
- bigint
- boolean
- undefined
- symbol
- null
- Object
- Object Prototypes
- Prototypal Inheritance
- Built-in Objects
- Primitive Types
- Data Structures
- Indexed Collections
- Arrays
- Typed Arrays
- Keyed Collections
- Map
- Weak Map
- Set
- Weak Set
- Structured Data
- Indexed Collections
- Type Casting
- Implicit Type Casting
- Explicit Type Casting
- Type Conversion vs Coercion
- Equality comparisons
- Equality Algorithms in JavaScript
- isLooselyEqual
- isStrictlyEqual
- SameValueZero
- SameValue
- Value Comparison Operators
- ===
- ==
- Object.is
- Equality Algorithms in JavaScript
- Loops and Iteration
- for statement
- do...while statement
- while statement
- break / continue
- labeled statements
- for...in statement
- for...of statement
- Control Flow
- Conditional Statements
- if...else
- switch
- Exception Handling Statements
- throw statement
- try / catch / finally statement
- Utilizing Error Objects
- Conditional Statements
- Expressions and Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Logical Operators
- BigInt Operators
- String Operators
- Conditional Operators
- Comma Operators
- Unary Operators
- Relational Operators
- Functions
- Defining Functions
- Calling Functions
- Function Parameters
- Default Parameters
- Rest Parameters
- Arrow Functions
Object- Scope and Function Stack
- Recursion
- Lexical Scoping
- Closures
- JavaScript's Built-in Functions
- Strict Mode
use strict
in a methodthis
in a function (default mode)this
in a function (strict mode)this
in Event Handlersthis
in arrow functions- Explicit Function Binding
- Function Borrowing
- Asynchronous JavaScript
- setTimeout
- setInterval
- callbacks / callback hell
- Promises
- async/await
- Event Loop
- Classes
- Iterators and Generators
- modules in javascript
- Common JS vs ESM
- Memory Management
- Memory Lifecycle
- Garbage Collection
- Debugging
- JavaScript Bugs
- Performance Issues
can I create a PR for new roadmap for Chabots?