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Last active November 30, 2020 10:56
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  • Save kachayev/52cfce4aeb21792a5d2e53c8252a05ba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Same data structure that HPACK is using right now:

Benchmark                                                      Mode  Cnt         Score        Error  Units
QpackStaticTableBenchmark.findFieldNameAndValueMatch          thrpt    5   1829339.334 ± 121376.837  ops/s
QpackStaticTableBenchmark.findFieldNameRefForEmptyField       thrpt    5   2341547.888 ±  27061.256  ops/s
QpackStaticTableBenchmark.findFieldNameRefForMultipleMatches  thrpt    5   3637243.304 ±  74366.646  ops/s
QpackStaticTableBenchmark.findFieldNameRefForSingleMatch      thrpt    5   6284579.831 ± 247083.622  ops/s
QpackStaticTableBenchmark.findFieldNotFound                   thrpt    5  67002791.898 ± 372832.308  ops/s

Slight modification with name refs stored as a list:

Benchmark                                                          Mode  Cnt         Score         Error  Units
QpackFastStaticTableBenchmark.findFieldNameAndValueMatch          thrpt    5   1756872.266 ±  223956.390  ops/s
QpackFastStaticTableBenchmark.findFieldNameRefForEmptyField       thrpt    5  12139378.808 ± 1743152.029  ops/s
QpackFastStaticTableBenchmark.findFieldNameRefForMultipleMatches  thrpt    5   7059770.276 ± 1737588.547  ops/s
QpackFastStaticTableBenchmark.findFieldNameRefForSingleMatch      thrpt    5  23707995.528 ± 4402980.884  ops/s
QpackFastStaticTableBenchmark.findFieldNotFound                   thrpt    5  64352706.329 ± 4174760.483  ops/s
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