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Created March 14, 2023 04:39
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Godot Tooltip UI Designs
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<p><span class="func">extends</span> <span class="class">Node</span></p>
<p class="comment"># Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.</p>
<span class="func">func</span> <span class="func_name tooltip">
<div class="tooltiptext">
<p class="code tooltip-header" style="border-bottom:1px solid rgba(205, 207, 210, 0.27); padding-bottom: 0.5rem;"><span class="func">func</span> <span class="func_name">_ready</span><span class="parenthesis">() -></span> <span class="func">void</span></p>
<div class="tooltiptext-scroll tooltiptext-scroll3">
<p style="margin-top: 0.5rem;">Called when the node is "ready", i.e. when both the node and its children have entered the scene tree. If the node has children, their <span class="link">_ready</span> callbacks get triggered first, and the parent node will receive the ready notification afterwards.</p>
<p>Corresponds to the <span class="link">NOTIFICATION_READY</span> notification in <span class="link">Object._notification</span>. See also the <span class="codeblock">@onready</span> annotation for variables.</p>
<p>Usually used for initialization. For even earlier initialization, <span class="link">Object._init</span> may be used. See also <span class="link">_enter_tree</span>.</p>
<p>Note: <span class="link">_ready</span> may be called only once for each node. After removing a node from the scene tree and adding it again, <span class="codeblock">_ready</span> will not be called a second time. This can be bypassed by requesting another call with <span class="link">request_ready</span>, which may be called anywhere before adding the node again.</p>
</span><span class="parenthesis">():</span>
<p>&emsp;&emsp;<span class="func_call">custom_function</span><span class="parenthesis">()</span></p>
<p>&emsp;&emsp;<span class="pass">pass</span> <span class="comment"># Replace with function body.</span></p>
<p class="comment"># Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.</p>
<p><span class="func">func</span> <span class="func_name">_process</span><span class="parenthesis">(</span>delta<span class="parenthesis">):</span></p>
<p>&emsp;&emsp;<span class="pass">pass</span></p>
<p class="comment"># This is a description</p>
<p><span class="func">func</span> <span class="func_name">custom_function</span><span class="parenthesis">():</span></p>
<p>&emsp;&emsp;<span class="print">print</span><span class="parenthesis">(</span><span class="string">'please hover for me!'</span><span class="parenthesis">)</span></p>
<div style="height: 0; width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(205, 207, 210, 0.47); margin-top: 2rem"></div>
<div class="tooltips">
<div class="tooltip">
<div class="tooltiptext tooltiptext-scroll" style="visibility: visible; position: relative;">
<p class="code tooltip-header"><img src=""/> <span class="func">func</span> <span class="func_name">_ready</span><span class="parenthesis">() -></span> <span class="func">void</span></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0.5rem;">Called when the node is "ready", i.e. when both the node and its children have entered the scene tree. If the node has children, their <span class="link">_ready</span> callbacks get triggered first, and the parent node will receive the ready notification afterwards.</p>
<p>Corresponds to the <span class="link">NOTIFICATION_READY</span> notification in <span class="link">Object._notification</span>. See also the <span class="codeblock">@onready</span> annotation for variables.</p>
<p>Usually used for initialization. For even earlier initialization, <span class="link">Object._init</span> may be used. See also <span class="link">_enter_tree</span>.</p>
<p>Note: <span class="link">_ready</span> may be called only once for each node. After removing a node from the scene tree and adding it again, <span class="codeblock">_ready</span> will not be called a second time. This can be bypassed by requesting another call with <span class="link">request_ready</span>, which may be called anywhere before adding the node again.</p>
<div class="tooltip">
<div class="tooltiptext tooltiptext-scroll" style="visibility: visible; position: relative;">
<p class="code tooltip-header"><img src=""/> <span class="func_name">_ready</span><span class="parenthesis">() -></span> <span class="func">void</span></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0.5rem;">Called when the node is "ready", i.e. when both the node and its children have entered the scene tree. If the node has children, their <span class="link">_ready</span> callbacks get triggered first, and the parent node will receive the ready notification afterwards.</p>
<p>Corresponds to the <span class="link">NOTIFICATION_READY</span> notification in <span class="link">Object._notification</span>. See also the <span class="codeblock">@onready</span> annotation for variables.</p>
<p>Usually used for initialization. For even earlier initialization, <span class="link">Object._init</span> may be used. See also <span class="link">_enter_tree</span>.</p>
<p>Note: <span class="link">_ready</span> may be called only once for each node. After removing a node from the scene tree and adding it again, <span class="codeblock">_ready</span> will not be called a second time. This can be bypassed by requesting another call with <span class="link">request_ready</span>, which may be called anywhere before adding the node again.</p>
<div class="tooltip">
<div class="tooltiptext tooltiptext-scroll" style="visibility: visible; position: relative;">
<p class="code tooltip-header"><img style="padding: 2px; background-color: rgba(205, 207, 210, 0.47); border-radius: 4px;" src=""/> <span class="func_name">_ready</span><span class="parenthesis">() -></span> <span class="func">void</span></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0.5rem;">Called when the node is "ready", i.e. when both the node and its children have entered the scene tree. If the node has children, their <span class="link">_ready</span> callbacks get triggered first, and the parent node will receive the ready notification afterwards.</p>
<p>Corresponds to the <span class="link">NOTIFICATION_READY</span> notification in <span class="link">Object._notification</span>. See also the <span class="codeblock">@onready</span> annotation for variables.</p>
<p>Usually used for initialization. For even earlier initialization, <span class="link">Object._init</span> may be used. See also <span class="link">_enter_tree</span>.</p>
<p>Note: <span class="link">_ready</span> may be called only once for each node. After removing a node from the scene tree and adding it again, <span class="codeblock">_ready</span> will not be called a second time. This can be bypassed by requesting another call with <span class="link">request_ready</span>, which may be called anywhere before adding the node again.</p>
<div class="tooltip">
<div class="tooltiptext tooltiptext-scroll" style="visibility: visible; position: relative;">
<p class="code tooltip-header" style="border-bottom:1px solid rgba(205, 207, 210, 0.27); padding-bottom: 0.5rem;"><img src=""/> <span class="func">func</span> <span class="func_name">_ready</span><span class="parenthesis">() -></span> <span class="func">void</span></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0.5rem;">Called when the node is "ready", i.e. when both the node and its children have entered the scene tree. If the node has children, their <span class="link">_ready</span> callbacks get triggered first, and the parent node will receive the ready notification afterwards.</p>
<p>Corresponds to the <span class="link">NOTIFICATION_READY</span> notification in <span class="link">Object._notification</span>. See also the <span class="codeblock">@onready</span> annotation for variables.</p>
<p>Usually used for initialization. For even earlier initialization, <span class="link">Object._init</span> may be used. See also <span class="link">_enter_tree</span>.</p>
<p>Note: <span class="link">_ready</span> may be called only once for each node. After removing a node from the scene tree and adding it again, <span class="codeblock">_ready</span> will not be called a second time. This can be bypassed by requesting another call with <span class="link">request_ready</span>, which may be called anywhere before adding the node again.</p>
<div class="tooltip">
<div class="tooltiptext tooltiptext-scroll" style="visibility: visible; position: relative;">
<p class="code tooltip-header" style="border-bottom:1px solid rgba(205, 207, 210, 0.27); padding-bottom: 0.5rem;"><span class="func">func</span> <span class="func_name">_ready</span><span class="parenthesis">() -></span> <span class="func">void</span></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0.5rem;">Called when the node is "ready", i.e. when both the node and its children have entered the scene tree. If the node has children, their <span class="link">_ready</span> callbacks get triggered first, and the parent node will receive the ready notification afterwards.</p>
<p>Corresponds to the <span class="link">NOTIFICATION_READY</span> notification in <span class="link">Object._notification</span>. See also the <span class="codeblock">@onready</span> annotation for variables.</p>
<p>Usually used for initialization. For even earlier initialization, <span class="link">Object._init</span> may be used. See also <span class="link">_enter_tree</span>.</p>
<p>Note: <span class="link">_ready</span> may be called only once for each node. After removing a node from the scene tree and adding it again, <span class="codeblock">_ready</span> will not be called a second time. This can be bypassed by requesting another call with <span class="link">request_ready</span>, which may be called anywhere before adding the node again.</p>
<div class="tooltip">
<div class="tooltiptext" style="visibility: visible; position: relative;">
<p class="code tooltip-header" style="border-bottom:1px solid rgba(205, 207, 210, 0.27); padding-bottom: 0.5rem;"><span class="func">func</span> <span class="func_name">_ready</span><span class="parenthesis">() -></span> <span class="func">void</span></p>
<div class="tooltiptext-scroll">
<p style="margin-top: 0.5rem;">Called when the node is "ready", i.e. when both the node and its children have entered the scene tree. If the node has children, their <span class="link">_ready</span> callbacks get triggered first, and the parent node will receive the ready notification afterwards.</p>
<p>Corresponds to the <span class="link">NOTIFICATION_READY</span> notification in <span class="link">Object._notification</span>. See also the <span class="codeblock">@onready</span> annotation for variables.</p>
<p>Usually used for initialization. For even earlier initialization, <span class="link">Object._init</span> may be used. See also <span class="link">_enter_tree</span>.</p>
<p>Note: <span class="link">_ready</span> may be called only once for each node. After removing a node from the scene tree and adding it again, <span class="codeblock">_ready</span> will not be called a second time. This can be bypassed by requesting another call with <span class="link">request_ready</span>, which may be called anywhere before adding the node again.</p>
<div class="tooltip">
<div class="tooltiptext" style="visibility: visible; position: relative;">
<p class="code tooltip-header" style="border-bottom:1px solid rgba(205, 207, 210, 0.27); padding-bottom: 0.5rem;"><span class="func">func</span> <span class="func_name">_ready</span><span class="parenthesis">() -></span> <span class="func">void</span></p>
<div class="tooltiptext-scroll tooltiptext-scroll2">
<p style="margin-top: 0.5rem;">Called when the node is "ready", i.e. when both the node and its children have entered the scene tree. If the node has children, their <span class="link">_ready</span> callbacks get triggered first, and the parent node will receive the ready notification afterwards.</p>
<p>Corresponds to the <span class="link">NOTIFICATION_READY</span> notification in <span class="link">Object._notification</span>. See also the <span class="codeblock">@onready</span> annotation for variables.</p>
<p>Usually used for initialization. For even earlier initialization, <span class="link">Object._init</span> may be used. See also <span class="link">_enter_tree</span>.</p>
<p>Note: <span class="link">_ready</span> may be called only once for each node. After removing a node from the scene tree and adding it again, <span class="codeblock">_ready</span> will not be called a second time. This can be bypassed by requesting another call with <span class="link">request_ready</span>, which may be called anywhere before adding the node again.</p>
<div class="tooltip">
<div class="tooltiptext" style="visibility: visible; position: relative;">
<p class="code tooltip-header" style="border-bottom:1px solid rgba(205, 207, 210, 0.27); padding-bottom: 0.5rem;"><span class="func">func</span> <span class="func_name">_ready</span><span class="parenthesis">() -></span> <span class="func">void</span></p>
<div class="tooltiptext-scroll tooltiptext-scroll3">
<p style="margin-top: 0.5rem;">Called when the node is "ready", i.e. when both the node and its children have entered the scene tree. If the node has children, their <span class="link">_ready</span> callbacks get triggered first, and the parent node will receive the ready notification afterwards.</p>
<p>Corresponds to the <span class="link">NOTIFICATION_READY</span> notification in <span class="link">Object._notification</span>. See also the <span class="codeblock">@onready</span> annotation for variables.</p>
<p>Usually used for initialization. For even earlier initialization, <span class="link">Object._init</span> may be used. See also <span class="link">_enter_tree</span>.</p>
<p>Note: <span class="link">_ready</span> may be called only once for each node. After removing a node from the scene tree and adding it again, <span class="codeblock">_ready</span> will not be called a second time. This can be bypassed by requesting another call with <span class="link">request_ready</span>, which may be called anywhere before adding the node again.</p>
<div class="tooltip">
<div class="tooltiptext" style="visibility: visible; position: relative;">
<p class="code tooltip-header" style="border-bottom:1px solid rgba(205, 207, 210, 0.27); padding-bottom: 0.5rem;"><span class="func">func</span> <span class="func_name">_ready</span><span class="parenthesis">() -></span> <span class="func">void</span></p>
<div class="tooltiptext-scroll tooltiptext-scroll2 tooltiptext-scroll3">
<p style="margin-top: 0.5rem;">Called when the node is "ready", i.e. when both the node and its children have entered the scene tree. If the node has children, their <span class="link">_ready</span> callbacks get triggered first, and the parent node will receive the ready notification afterwards.</p>
<p>Corresponds to the <span class="link">NOTIFICATION_READY</span> notification in <span class="link">Object._notification</span>. See also the <span class="codeblock">@onready</span> annotation for variables.</p>
<p>Usually used for initialization. For even earlier initialization, <span class="link">Object._init</span> may be used. See also <span class="link">_enter_tree</span>.</p>
<p>Note: <span class="link">_ready</span> may be called only once for each node. After removing a node from the scene tree and adding it again, <span class="codeblock">_ready</span> will not be called a second time. This can be bypassed by requesting another call with <span class="link">request_ready</span>, which may be called anywhere before adding the node again.</p>
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