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Last active August 31, 2020 22:33
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CO lab course oddify source code
# Assemble with:
# gcc -no-pie -g -o oddifier oddifier.s
# From: CSE1400 Lab Course Manual
# Delft University of Technology
welcome: .asciz "\nWelcome to our program!\n"
prompt: .asciz "\nPlease enter a positive number:\n"
input: .asciz "%ld"
output: .asciz "The result is: %ld\n\n"
.global main
movq %rsp, %rbp # initialize the base pointer
movq $0, %rax # no vector registers in use for printf
movq $welcome, %rdi # first parameter: welcome string
call printf # call printf to print welcome
call inout # call the subroutine inout
end: # this loads the program exit code and exits the program
movq $0, %rdi
call exit
# ***************************************************************************
# • Subroutine: inout *
# • Description: this subroutine takes an integer as input from a user, *
# • increments it by 1 if it is even, and prints it out *
# • Parameters: there are no parameters and no return value *
# ***************************************************************************
# prologue
pushq %rbp # push the base pointer
movq %rsp , %rbp # copy stack pointer value to base pointer
movq $0, %rax # no vector registers in use for printf
movq $prompt, %rdi # paraml: prompt string
call printf # call printf to print prompt
subq $8, %rsp # reserve space in stack for the input
movq $0, %rax # no vector registers in use for scanf
movq $input , %rdi # param1: input format string
leaq -8(%rbp), %rsi # parameter2: address of the reserved space
call scanf # call scanf to scan the users input
popq %rsi # pop the input value into RSI
# (RSI is the second parameter register)
movq %rsi, %rax # copy the input to RAX
movq $2, %rbx # move the value 2 to RBX
movq $0, %rdx # clear the contents of RDX
divq %rbx # divide the content of RDX:RAX by the
# content of RB (result stored
# in RAX and remainder in RDX)
cmpq $0, %rdx # compare RDX to 0
jne odd # if they are not equal (input is odd),
# don't increment
incq %rsi # increment the input value
movq $0, %rax # no vector registers in use for printf
movq $output, %rdi # paraml: output string
# param2: number (in RSI)
call printf # call printf to print the output
# epilogue
movq %rbp , %rsp # clear local variables from stack
popq %rbp # restore base pointer location
ret # return from subroutine
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