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Last active April 29, 2020 06:09
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Semver or modules-tried or to be tried
# Small Intro of Node:
Node - Runtime Enviornment for execting JS code, perfect choice for building RESTful API , for building I/O intensive Application
Node Apps are Single-threaded ,non-blocking or asynchronous in nature.
Node have 'global' in anologous to 'window' on browser and have things/internal modules to talk to OS, have filesystem to do read and write ops, and more.
For CPU-intensive apps because more they have to wait for a work to be done more time user have to wait to get related data.
NPM to download and install 3rd-party libraries from the npm registry
# SemVer (Sementic Versoning)
use `^` ex- '^4.2.1' means 4.x are allowed
use `~` ex- '~4.2.1' means 4.2.x are allowed
use `nothing`ex - '4.2.1' means exact version is allowed only
# Global Installed :
+-- create-react-app
+-- express-generator
+-- knex
+-- live-server
+-- nodemon
+-- now
+-- npm
# npm Modules tried :
# npm modules to be tried!
1. 'underscore or lodash' - modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras.
2. @hapi/joi - The most powerful schema description language and data validator for JavaScript.
3. joi-browser - joi object schema validation bundled for the browser (babelified and bundled)
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