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Created April 24, 2017 14:50
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Delete all CloudSearch documents in a given domain
# This script will delete *all* documents in a CloudSearch domain.
# Note: depends on the AWS CLI SDK being installed, as well as jq
# For jq, see: and
if [[ ! $# -eq 2 || $1 != "--doc-domain" || ! $2 =~ ^https://.*$ ]]; then
echo "Must define --doc-domain argument (e.g. --doc-domain";
exit 1;
while [ 1 -eq 1 ]; do
aws cloudsearchdomain search \
--endpoint-url=$CS_DOMAIN \
--size=10000 \
--query-parser=structured \
--search-query="matchall" > ${TMP_RESULTS_FILE}
cat ${TMP_RESULTS_FILE} | jq '[.hits.hit[] | {type: "delete", id: .id}]' > ${TMP_DELETE_FILE}
CNT_TOTAL=$(cat ${TMP_RESULTS_FILE} | jq '.hits.found')
CNT_DOCS=$(cat ${TMP_DELETE_FILE} | jq '. | length')
if [[ $CNT_DOCS -gt 0 ]]; then
echo "About to delete ${CNT_DOCS} documents of ${CNT_TOTAL} total in index"
aws cloudsearchdomain upload-documents \
--endpoint-url=$CS_DOMAIN \
--content-type='application/json' \
echo "No more docs to delete"
exit 0
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rushimusmaximus commented Feb 12, 2024

Thanks so much for making and publishing this script. Very helpful! In my case I added a filter query to target specific data.

I am deleting millions of records and am finding that it stops periodically, saying there are no more records to delete. I haven't researched the cause yet, but suspect it's an "eventual consistency" issue, thinking the same record ids are being returned that were just deleted. Was wondering if paginating the results with a cursor might help.

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I am deleting millions of records and am finding that it stops periodically, saying there are no more records to delete.

Results looked like:

    "hits": {
        "found": 9803889,
        "start": 0,
        "hit": [ ]

(no records listed in the hit list)

I found that adding a random sort really helped (--sort="_rand asc"). There may be a better solution, but this was an easy change that helped in my case.

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