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Created December 11, 2024 19:49
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  • Save jseiser/78a1efafeff05621c3d47b62adcd9f78 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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{"level":"info","ts":1733944417.9884586,"msg":"Copyright 2020-2023 the Vouch Proxy Authors"}
{"level":"warn","ts":1733944417.9884808,"msg":"Vouch Proxy is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."}
{"level":"info","ts":1733944417.9891627,"msg":"Vouch Proxy configuration set from Environmental Variables"}
{"level":"warn","ts":1733944417.989181,"msg":"generating random session.key"}
{"level":"info","ts":1733944417.9892192,"msg":"configuring oidc OAuth with Endpoint"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1733944417.9892244,"msg":"cfg.RootDir: /"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1733944417.9892552,"msg":"Cfg {LogLevel:debug Listen: Port:9090 SocketMode:432 SocketGroup: DocumentRoot: WriteTimeout:15 ReadTimeout:15 IdleTimeout:15 Domains:[] WhiteList:[] TeamWhiteList:[] AllowAllUsers:true PublicAccess:false TLS:{Cert: Key: Profile:intermediate} JWT:{SigningMethod:HS256 MaxAge:240 Issuer:Vouch Secret:XXXXXXXX PrivateKeyFile: PublicKeyFile: Compress:true} Cookie:{Name:VouchCookie Secure:true HTTPOnly:true MaxAge:240 SameSite:} Headers:{JWT:X-Vouch-Token User:X-Vouch-User QueryString:access_token Redirect:X-Vouch-Requested-URI Success:X-Vouch-Success Error:X-Vouch-Error ClaimHeader:X-Vouch-IdP-Claims- Claims:[] AccessToken: IDToken: ClaimsCleaned:map[]} Session:{Name:VouchSession MaxAge:5 Key:XXXXXXXX} TestURL: TestURLs:[] Testing:true LogoutRedirectURLs:[]}"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1733944417.9892812,"msg":"cfg.GenOauth {Provider:oidc ClientID:12345678 ClientSecret:XXXXXXXX AuthURL: TokenURL: LogoutURL: RedirectURL: RedirectURLs:[] RelyingPartyId: Scopes:[openid email profile groups] Claims:<nil> UserInfoURL: UserTeamURL: UserOrgURL: PreferredDomain: AzureToken: CodeChallengeMethod:}"}
2024-12-11T19:13:37.989Z INFO testing: true, using development console logger
2024-12-11T19:13:37.989Z DEBUG vouch.jwt.secret is 44 characters long
2024-12-11T19:13:37.989Z DEBUG vouch.session.key is 44 characters long
2024-12-11T19:13:37.989Z INFO jwtcache: the returned headers for a valid jwt will be cached for 20 minutes
2024-12-11T19:13:37.989Z DEBUG responses.Configure() attempting to parse embedded templates
{"level":"debug","ts":1733944417.9894736,"msg":"checking availability of tcp port:"}
{"level":"info","ts":1733944417.989734,"msg":"starting Vouch Proxy","version":"012b2fd","buildtime":"2024-10-01T22:02:54Z","uname":"Linux","buildhost":"buildkitsandbox","branch":"HEAD","semver":"v0.41.0","listen":"","tls":false,"document_root":"","oauth.provider":"oidc"}
2024-12-11T19:14:12.123Z DEBUG /auth
2024-12-11T19:14:12.123Z INFO |200| 310.109µs /auth {"statusCode": 200, "request": 7, "latency": "310.109µs", "avgLatency": "50.449µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/auth", "referer": ""}
2024-12-11T19:14:16.426Z INFO |200| 7.22µs /healthcheck {"statusCode": 200, "request": 9, "latency": "7.22µs", "avgLatency": "40.35µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/healthcheck", "referer": ""}
2024-12-11T19:14:16.426Z INFO |200| 2.781µs /healthcheck {"statusCode": 200, "request": 9, "latency": "2.781µs", "avgLatency": "40.35µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/healthcheck", "referer": ""}
2024-12-11T19:14:26.426Z INFO |200| 3.531µs /healthcheck {"statusCode": 200, "request": 11, "latency": "3.531µs", "avgLatency": "33.916µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/healthcheck", "referer": ""}
2024-12-11T19:14:26.426Z INFO |200| 6.38µs /healthcheck {"statusCode": 200, "request": 11, "latency": "6.38µs", "avgLatency": "33.916µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/healthcheck", "referer": ""}
2024-12-11T19:14:34.799Z DEBUG /auth/{state}/
2024-12-11T19:14:34.799Z WARN /auth Invalid session state: stored %!s(<nil>), returned o3cS6I84ssMKwdvrZ88HIg1poO4dq0K
2024-12-11T19:14:34.799Z DEBUG setting the cookie domain to
2024-12-11T19:14:34.799Z DEBUG deleting cookie: VouchCookie
2024-12-11T19:14:34.799Z DEBUG rendering error for user: 400 Bad Request
2024-12-11T19:14:34.799Z DEBUG CaptureWriter.Write set w.StatusCode 400
2024-12-11T19:14:34.800Z INFO |400| 137.738µs /auth/o3cS6I84ssMKwdvrZ88HIg1poO4dq0K/ {"statusCode": 400, "request": 12, "latency": "137.738µs", "avgLatency": "42.567µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/auth/o3cS6I84ssMKwdvrZ88HIg1poO4dq0K/", "referer": ""}
2024-12-11T19:18:37.117Z DEBUG /auth
2024-12-11T19:18:37.117Z INFO |200| 211.283µs /auth {"statusCode": 200, "request": 63, "latency": "211.283µs", "avgLatency": "17.345µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/auth", "referer": ""}
2024-12-11T19:18:43.260Z DEBUG jwt found in cookie
2024-12-11T19:18:43.260Z DEBUG /validate
2024-12-11T19:18:43.260Z DEBUG jwt found in cookie
2024-12-11T19:18:43.260Z DEBUG tokenString length: 328
2024-12-11T19:18:43.260Z DEBUG decompressed tokenString length 269
2024-12-11T19:18:43.260Z DEBUG *ptokenCLaims: {[email protected] map[] { 1733959120 0 Vouch 0 }}
2024-12-11T19:18:43.260Z DEBUG response header {"all headers": {"X-Vouch-Success":["true"],"X-Vouch-User":["[email protected]"]}}
2024-12-11T19:18:43.261Z DEBUG tokenString length: 328
2024-12-11T19:18:43.261Z DEBUG decompressed tokenString length 269
2024-12-11T19:18:43.261Z DEBUG *ptokenCLaims: {[email protected] map[] { 1733959120 0 Vouch 0 }}
2024-12-11T19:18:43.261Z INFO |200| 597.826µs /validate {"statusCode": 200, "request": 64, "latency": "597.826µs", "avgLatency": "26.415µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/validate", "referer": ""}
2024-12-11T19:18:43.456Z DEBUG jwt found in cookie
2024-12-11T19:18:43.456Z DEBUG /validate found response headers for jwt in cache
2024-12-11T19:18:43.456Z INFO |200| 42.332µs /validate {"statusCode": 200, "request": 65, "latency": "42.332µs", "avgLatency": "26.659µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/validate", "referer": ""}
2024-12-11T19:18:43.886Z DEBUG jwt found in cookie
2024-12-11T19:18:43.886Z DEBUG /validate found response headers for jwt in cache
2024-12-11T19:18:43.887Z INFO |200| 52.723µs /validate {"statusCode": 200, "request": 66, "latency": "52.723µs", "avgLatency": "27.053µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/validate", "referer": ""}
2024-12-11T19:18:43.891Z DEBUG jwt found in cookie
2024-12-11T19:18:43.891Z DEBUG /validate found response headers for jwt in cache
2024-12-11T19:18:43.891Z INFO |200| 28.352µs /validate {"statusCode": 200, "request": 67, "latency": "28.352µs", "avgLatency": "27.072µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/validate", "referer": ""}
2024-12-11T19:18:43.892Z DEBUG jwt found in cookie
2024-12-11T19:18:43.892Z DEBUG /validate found response headers for jwt in cache
2024-12-11T19:18:43.892Z INFO |200| 21.432µs /validate {"statusCode": 200, "request": 68, "latency": "21.432µs", "avgLatency": "26.99µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/validate", "referer": ""}
2024-12-11T19:18:43.899Z DEBUG jwt found in cookie
2024-12-11T19:18:43.899Z DEBUG /validate found response headers for jwt in cache
2024-12-11T19:18:43.899Z INFO |200| 21.591µs /validate {"statusCode": 200, "request": 69, "latency": "21.591µs", "avgLatency": "26.912µs", "ipPort": "", "method": "GET", "host": "", "path": "/validate", "referer": ""}
2024-12-11T19:18:44.127Z DEBUG jwt found in cookie
2024-12-11T19:18:44.127Z DEBUG /validate found response headers for jwt in cache
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