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Created October 18, 2018 08:15
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Jaeger CLI options string comma-separated string representing host:ports of a static list of collectors to connect to directly (e.g. when not using service discovery)
--collector.http-port int The http port for the collector service (default 14268)
--collector.num-workers int The number of workers pulling items from the queue (default 50)
--collector.port int The tchannel port for the collector service (default 14267)
--collector.queue-size int The queue size of the collector (default 2000)
--collector.zipkin.http-port int The http port for the Zipkin collector service e.g. 9411
--config-file string Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
--discovery.conn-check-timeout duration sets the timeout used when establishing new connections (default 250ms)
--discovery.min-peers int if using service discovery, the min number of connections to maintain to the backend (default 3)
--health-check-http-port int The http port for the health check service (default 14269)
-h, --help help for jaeger-all-in-one string host:port of the http server (e.g. for /sampling point and /baggage endpoint) (default ":5778")
--log-level string Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see (default "info")
--metrics-backend string Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none (default "prometheus")
--metrics-http-route string Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping (default "/metrics")
--processor.jaeger-binary.server-host-port string host:port for the UDP server (default ":6832")
--processor.jaeger-binary.server-max-packet-size int max packet size for the UDP server (default 65000)
--processor.jaeger-binary.server-queue-size int length of the queue for the UDP server (default 1000)
--processor.jaeger-binary.workers int how many workers the processor should run (default 10)
--processor.jaeger-compact.server-host-port string host:port for the UDP server (default ":6831")
--processor.jaeger-compact.server-max-packet-size int max packet size for the UDP server (default 65000)
--processor.jaeger-compact.server-queue-size int length of the queue for the UDP server (default 1000)
--processor.jaeger-compact.workers int how many workers the processor should run (default 10)
--processor.zipkin-compact.server-host-port string host:port for the UDP server (default ":5775")
--processor.zipkin-compact.server-max-packet-size int max packet size for the UDP server (default 65000)
--processor.zipkin-compact.server-queue-size int length of the queue for the UDP server (default 1000)
--processor.zipkin-compact.workers int how many workers the processor should run (default 10)
--query.base-path string The base path for all HTTP routes, e.g. /jaeger; useful when running behind a reverse proxy (default "/")
--query.port int The port for the query service (default 16686)
--query.static-files string The directory path override for the static assets for the UI
--query.ui-config string The path to the UI configuration file in JSON format
--sampling.strategies-file string The path for the sampling strategies file in JSON format. See sampling documentation to see format of the file
--span-storage.type string Deprecated; please use SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Run this binary with "env" command for help.
--memory.max-traces int The maximum amount of traces to store in memory
--cassandra-archive.connections-per-host int The number of Cassandra connections from a single backend instance
--cassandra-archive.consistency string The Cassandra consistency level, e.g. ANY, ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, ALL, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE (default LOCAL_ONE)
--cassandra-archive.enabled Enable extra storage
--cassandra-archive.keyspace string The Cassandra keyspace for Jaeger data
--cassandra-archive.max-retry-attempts int The number of attempts when reading from Cassandra
--cassandra-archive.password string Password for password authentication for Cassandra
--cassandra-archive.port int The port for cassandra
--cassandra-archive.proto-version int The Cassandra protocol version
--cassandra-archive.reconnect-interval duration Reconnect interval to retry connecting to downed hosts (default 0s)
--cassandra-archive.servers string The comma-separated list of Cassandra servers
--cassandra-archive.socket-keep-alive duration Cassandra's keepalive period to use, enabled if > 0 (default 0s)
--cassandra-archive.timeout duration Timeout used for queries (default 0s)
--cassandra-archive.tls Enable TLS string Path to TLS CA file
--cassandra-archive.tls.cert string Path to TLS certificate file
--cassandra-archive.tls.key string Path to TLS key file
--cassandra-archive.tls.server-name string Override the TLS server name
--cassandra-archive.tls.verify-host Enable (or disable) host key verification
--cassandra-archive.username string Username for password authentication for Cassandra
--cassandra.connections-per-host int The number of Cassandra connections from a single backend instance (default 2)
--cassandra.consistency string The Cassandra consistency level, e.g. ANY, ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, ALL, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE (default LOCAL_ONE)
--cassandra.keyspace string The Cassandra keyspace for Jaeger data (default "jaeger_v1_test")
--cassandra.max-retry-attempts int The number of attempts when reading from Cassandra (default 3)
--cassandra.password string Password for password authentication for Cassandra
--cassandra.port int The port for cassandra
--cassandra.proto-version int The Cassandra protocol version (default 4)
--cassandra.reconnect-interval duration Reconnect interval to retry connecting to downed hosts (default 1m0s)
--cassandra.servers string The comma-separated list of Cassandra servers (default "")
--cassandra.socket-keep-alive duration Cassandra's keepalive period to use, enabled if > 0 (default 0s)
--cassandra.span-store-write-cache-ttl duration The duration to wait before rewriting an existing service or operation name (default 12h0m0s)
--cassandra.timeout duration Timeout used for queries (default 0s)
--cassandra.tls Enable TLS string Path to TLS CA file
--cassandra.tls.cert string Path to TLS certificate file
--cassandra.tls.key string Path to TLS key file
--cassandra.tls.server-name string Override the TLS server name
--cassandra.tls.verify-host Enable (or disable) host key verification (default true)
--cassandra.username string Username for password authentication for Cassandra
--es.bulk.actions int The number of requests that can be enqueued before the bulk processor decides to commit (default 1000)
--es.bulk.flush-interval duration A time.Duration after which bulk requests are committed, regardless of other tresholds. Set to zero to disable. By default, this is disabled. (default 200ms)
--es.bulk.size int The number of bytes that the bulk requests can take up before the bulk processor decides to commit (default 5000000)
--es.bulk.workers int The number of workers that are able to receive bulk requests and eventually commit them to Elasticsearch (default 1)
--es.index-prefix string Optional prefix of Jaeger indices. For example "production" creates "production:jaeger-*".
--es.max-span-age duration The maximum lookback for spans in ElasticSearch (default 72h0m0s)
--es.num-replicas int The number of replicas per index in ElasticSearch (default 1)
--es.num-shards int The number of shards per index in ElasticSearch (default 5)
--es.password string The password required by ElasticSearch
--es.server-urls string The comma-separated list of ElasticSearch servers, must be full url i.e. http://localhost:9200 (default "")
--es.sniffer The sniffer config for ElasticSearch; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disable if not required
--es.tags-as-fields.all (experimental) Store all span and process tags as object fields. If true .tags-as-fields.config-file is ignored. Binary tags are always stored as nested objects.
--es.tags-as-fields.config-file string (experimental) Optional path to a file containing tag keys which will be stored as object fields. Each key should be on a separate line. string (experimental) The character used to replace dots (".") in tag keys stored as object fields. (default "@")
--es.username string The username required by ElasticSearch
--kafka.brokers string (experimental) The comma-separated list of kafka brokers. i.e. ',0.0.0:1234' (default "")
--kafka.encoding string (experimental) Encoding of spans ("protobuf" or "json") sent to kafka. (default "protobuf")
--kafka.topic string (experimental) The name of the kafka topic (default "jaeger-spans")
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