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Created January 1, 2020 03:48
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Second example for "Rethinking interfaces"
class OperationInterfaceAsClass {
Predicate<String> isOperation;
Function<List<Integer>, Integer> operate;
private OperationInterfaceAsClass(){};
public static OperationInterfaceAsClass of(
Predicate<String> isOperation,
Function<List<Integer>, Integer> operate
OperationInterfaceAsClass toBuild = new OperationInterfaceAsClass();
toBuild.isOperation = isOperation;
toBuild.operate = operate;
return toBuild;
class Program {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Note, because now we can create them on the fly, we win in freedom as to where and how
//to define them.
var Sum = OperationInterfaceAsClass.of(
operator -> operator.equals("+"),
numbers -> numbers
(a,b) -> a+b
var Times = OperationInterfaceAsClass.of(
operator -> operator.equals("x"),
numbers -> numbers
(a,b) -> a*b
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