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Last active September 25, 2024 17:30
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SASS @font-face mixin

Font Face

A mixin for writing @font-face rules in SASS.


Create a font face rule. Embedded OpenType, WOFF2, WOFF, TrueType, and SVG files are automatically sourced.

@include font-face(Samplino, fonts/Samplino);

Rendered as CSS:

@font-face {
	font-family: "Samplino";
	src: url("fonts/Samplino.eot?") format("eot"),
		 url("fonts/Samplino.woff2") format("woff2"),
		 url("fonts/Samplino.woff") format("woff"),
		 url("fonts/Samplino.ttf") format("truetype"),
		 url("fonts/Samplino.svg#Samplino") format("svg");

Create a font face rule that applies to bold and italic text.

@include font-face("Samplina Neue", fonts/SamplinaNeue, bold, italic);

Rendered as CSS:

@font-face {
	font-family: "Samplina Neue";
	font-style: italic;
	font-weight: bold;
	src: url("fonts/SamplinaNeue.eot?") format("eot"),
	     url("fonts/SamplinaNeue.woff2") format("woff2"),
	     url("fonts/SamplinaNeue.woff") format("woff"),
	     url("fonts/SamplinaNeue.ttf") format("truetype"),
	     url("fonts/SamplinaNeue.svg#Samplina_Neue") format("svg");

Create a font face rule that only sources a WOFF.

@include font-face(Samplinoff, fonts/Samplinoff, null, null, woff);

Rendered as CSS:

@font-face {
	font-family: "Samplinoff";
	src: url("fonts/Samplinoff.woff") format("woff");

Create a font face rule that applies to 500 weight text and sources EOT, WOFF2, and WOFF.

@include font-face(Samplinal, fonts/Samplinal, 500, normal, eot woff2 woff);

Rendered as CSS:

@font-face {
	font-family: "Samplinal";
	font-style: normal;
	font-weight: 500;
	src: url("fonts/Samplinal.eot?") format("eot"),
	     url("fonts/Samplinal.woff2") format("woff2"),
	     url("fonts/Samplinal.woff") format("woff");


IE≥9 prioritizes valid font formats over invalid ones. Therefore, while embedded-opentype is the correct format for an .eot font, eot is used to fool modern IE into prioritizing other, newer font formats.

IE≤8 only supports .eot fonts and parses the src property incorrectly, interpreting everything between the first opening parenthesis ( and the last closing parenthesis ) as a single URL. Therefore, a ? is appended to the .eot’s URL, fooling older IE into reading all other sources as query parameters.

// =============================================================================
// String Replace
// =============================================================================
@function str-replace($string, $search, $replace: "") {
$index: str-index($string, $search);
@if $index {
@return str-slice($string, 1, $index - 1) + $replace + str-replace(str-slice($string, $index + str-length($search)), $search, $replace);
@return $string;
// =============================================================================
// Font Face
// =============================================================================
@mixin font-face($name, $path, $weight: null, $style: null, $exts: eot woff2 woff ttf svg) {
$src: null;
$extmods: (
eot: "?",
svg: "#" + str-replace($name, " ", "_")
$formats: (
otf: "opentype",
ttf: "truetype"
@each $ext in $exts {
$extmod: if(map-has-key($extmods, $ext), $ext + map-get($extmods, $ext), $ext);
$format: if(map-has-key($formats, $ext), map-get($formats, $ext), $ext);
$src: append($src, url(quote($path + "." + $extmod)) format(quote($format)), comma);
@font-face {
font-family: quote($name);
font-style: $style;
font-weight: $weight;
src: $src;
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cabb commented Apr 30, 2021

Would be great if this had a license on it so it could be used in open source projects :)

@jonathantneal It would still be great to explicitly define the license of your code.

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My css project uses sass. So I have converted the scss to sass and have expanded to include an additional step to allow multiple font faces to be generated at one time. Here is my sass mixins: (don't forget to include the str-replace function)

@use "sass:map"

@mixin font-face-multiple($fonts)
  @each $font in $fonts
    $name: if(map-has-key($font,"name"), map-get($font,"name"), null)
    $path: if(map-has-key($font,"path"), map-get($font,"path"), null)
    $weight: if(map-has-key($font,"weight"), map-get($font,"weight"), null)
    $style: if(map-has-key($font,"style"), map-get($font,"style"), null)
    $display: if(map-has-key($font,"display"), map-get($font,"display"), null)
    $exts: if(map-has-key($font,"exts"), map-get($font,"exts"), null)
    @include font-face($name,$path,$weight,$style,$display,$exts)

@mixin font-face($name, $path, $weight: null, $style: null, $display: null, $exts: (eot woff2 woff ttf svg))
  // extensions: eot woff2 woff ttf svg
  $src: null

  $extmods: (eot:"?",svg:"#"+str-replace($name," ","_"))
  $formats: (otf: "opentype",ttf: "truetype")

  @each $ext in $exts
    $extmod: if(map-has-key($extmods, $ext), $ext + map-get($extmods, $ext), $ext)
    $format: if(map-has-key($formats, $ext), map-get($formats, $ext), $ext)
    $src: append($src, url(quote($path + "." + $extmod)) format(quote($format)), comma,)

    font-family: quote($name)
    font-style: $style
    font-weight: $weight
      font-display: $display
    src: $src

Then all I have to do is create the mapping and include the mixin font-face-multiple and I have the code I am looking for


$font-list: ()

$font-list: append($font-list,("name": "Old Town","path": "..fonts/OldTown", "exts": (ttf)))
$font-list: append($font-list,("name": Roboto,"path": "..fonts/Roboto-Regular", "weight":400,"style":normal, "exts": (ttf)))

@include font-face-multiple($font-list)


@font-face {
  font-family: "Old Town";
  src: url("..fonts/OldTown.ttf") format("truetype");
@font-face {
  font-family: "Roboto";
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  src: url("..fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf") format("truetype");

Disclaimer: The code here does not have any validation and there are some subtle issues needing resolution.

Happy coding!

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skoskie commented Sep 25, 2024

Note that the output of this mixin actually causes some issues with old versions of IE. I have forked it and fixed those issues, as well as added support for the display property that several comments have mentioned.

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