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Created May 23, 2015 02:48
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Save jonathanolson/5d4392b0b23873224c41 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. (trunk/simulations-html/build-tools/src/edu/colorado/phet/buildtools/html5/)
package edu.colorado.phet.buildtools.html5;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import edu.colorado.phet.common.phetcommon.util.FileUtils;
import edu.colorado.phet.common.phetcommon.util.FunctionalUtils;
import edu.colorado.phet.common.phetcommon.util.function.Function1;
import static edu.colorado.phet.buildtools.html5.JavaScriptUtils.escapeDoubleQuoteJS;
import static;
import static edu.colorado.phet.common.phetcommon.util.FunctionalUtils.mkString;
* Converts .properties files to the i18n format used by requirejs's i18n plugin.
* See
* @author Sam Reid
public class PropertiesToRequireJSI18n {
public static void main( final String[] args ) throws IOException {
// First command-line argument is the localization directory, such as "C:\workingcopy\phet\svn-1.7\trunk\simulations-java\simulations\energy-skate-park\data\energy-skate-park\localization"
File source = new File( args[0] );
// Second command-line argument is the sub-directory of babel where the strings should go, such as "C:\workingcopy\phet\git\babel\states-of-matter"
// Note that the name of this directory will be used to name the string files! Create it if it doesn't exist (it probably doesn't exist)
File babelDir = new File( args[1] );
if ( !source.exists() ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Could not find source directory!" );
if ( !babelDir.exists() ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Could not find babel directory!" );
for ( final File file : source.listFiles( new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept( final File dir, final String name ) {
return name.endsWith( ".properties" ) && name.contains( "-strings" );
} ) ) {
final boolean english = file.getName().indexOf( '_' ) < 0;
final Properties p = new Properties() {{
load( new FileInputStream( file ) );
String data = mkString( map( p.keySet(), new Function1<Object, String>() {
public String apply( Object keyObject ) {
return " \"" + escapeDoubleQuoteJS( keyObject.toString() ) + "\": {\n" +
" \"value\": \"" + escapeDoubleQuoteJS( p.get( keyObject ).toString() ) + "\"\n" +
" }";
} ), ",\n" );
String output = "{\n" + data + "\n}\n";
String locale;
if ( english ) {
locale = "en";
else {
final String tail = file.getName().substring( file.getName().indexOf( "_" ) + 1 );
locale = tail.substring( 0, tail.indexOf( '.' ) );
String filename = babelDir.getName() + "-strings_" + locale + ".json";
FileUtils.writeString( new File( babelDir, filename ), output );
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