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Last active May 30, 2023 14:42
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Use Transmit 5 to open in iTerm (instead of as mentioned here
on openTerminal(location, remoteHost, serverPort)
tell application "System Events"
-- some versions might identify as "iTerm2" instead of "iTerm"
set isRunning to (exists (processes where name is "iTerm")) or (exists (processes where name is "iTerm2"))
end tell
tell application "iTerm"
set targetTab to ""
set sshCommand to ""
if ((count of remoteHost) is greater than 0) then
set cdCommand to " 'cd \"" & location & "\"; eval \"$SHELL -il\"'"
set sshCommand to "ssh -t " & "'" & remoteHost & "'"
set cdCommand to "cd \"" & location & "\""
end if
if (serverPort is greater than 0) then
set sshCommand to sshCommand & " -p " & serverPort
end if
set sshCommand to sshCommand & cdCommand
set hasNoWindows to ((count of windows) is 0)
if isRunning and hasNoWindows then
create window with default profile
end if
select first window
tell the first window
if isRunning and hasNoWindows is false then
create tab with default profile
end if
if ((count of sshCommand) is greater than 0) then
tell current session to write text sshCommand
end if
end tell
end tell
end openTerminal
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niladam commented Oct 24, 2017

Exactly what i was looking for. Thanks, i've forked :)

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jkubler commented May 8, 2018

Works great, thanks!!

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I tried to open a folder in Transmit , but its not work .
Only toke me to ~/
So I modified the txt . Make it work.
Is there anything wrong?

on openTerminal(location, remoteHost, serverPort)

tell application "System Events"
	-- some versions might identify as "iTerm2" instead of "iTerm"
	set isRunning to (exists (processes where name is "iTerm")) or (exists (processes where name is "iTerm2"))
end tell

tell application "iTerm"
	set targetTab to ""
	set sshCommand to ""

	if ((count of remoteHost) is greater than 0) then
		set cdCommand to " 'cd \"" & location & "\"; eval \"$SHELL -il\"'"
		set sshCommand to "ssh -t " & "'" & remoteHost & "'"
		set cdCommand to "cd \"" & location & "\""
	end if

	if (serverPort is greater than 0) then
		set sshCommand to sshCommand & " -p " & serverPort
	end if

	set sshCommand to sshCommand & cdCommand

	set hasNoWindows to ((count of windows) is 0)
	if isRunning and hasNoWindows then
		create window with default profile
	end if
	select first window
	tell the first window
		if isRunning and hasNoWindows is false then
			create tab with default profile
		end if
		if ((count of sshCommand) is greater than 0) then
			tell current session to write text sshCommand
	end if

	end tell
end tell

end openTerminal

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uryossa commented Mar 27, 2019

it works at transmit 5 and iTerm2.

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Thanks @johnfmorton.

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Thanks @johnfmorton! I'm fairly a newbie, how do I implement this?

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Updated per @aviman1109.

@igormakovsky, Check out the instructions at Basically, you need to save the script (updated 21JUN2020) to a directory on your Mac. Then run the command mentioned on that page:

$ defaults write com.panic.Transmit OpenTerminalScriptPath ~/Scripts/TransmitOpenTerminal.txt

That tells Transmit to user your custom script instead of the one built into Transmit by default.

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Hi, there is a way to include the password in the command ?

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robetus commented Jul 9, 2022

Is there a wall to pull the User Name from transmit and put it into the Open in Terminal script? I noticed on macos Monterey it wants a username and when I use the default open in terminal script it doesn't show the User Name from transmit.

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