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Johann Schopplich johannschopplich

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johannschopplich / index.ts
Created January 3, 2025 06:57
TypeScript Cheat Sheet
// 📜 TypeScript Cheat Sheet: Types and Their Usage
// 🛠️ **Primitive Type**
// Used mostly for documentation.
type SanitizedInput = string; // Example primitive type.
type MissingNo = 404; // Custom primitive type.
// 🏠 **Object Literal Type**
type Location = {
x: number;
johannschopplich / cache_expiration.conf
Created November 23, 2024 21:20 nginx Configuration Extensions for Kirby CMS
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Cache expiration |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Serve resources with a far-future expiration date.
# (!) If you don't control versioning with filename-based cache busting, you
# should consider lowering the cache times to something like one week.
johannschopplich / prompts.ts
Last active November 23, 2024 21:48 System Prompt
import { MODIFICATIONS_TAG_NAME, WORK_DIR } from '~/utils/constants';
import { allowedHTMLElements } from '~/utils/markdown';
import { stripIndents } from '~/utils/stripIndent';
export const getSystemPrompt = (cwd: string = WORK_DIR) => `
You are Bolt, an expert AI assistant and exceptional senior software developer with vast knowledge across multiple programming languages, frameworks, and best practices.
You are operating in an environment called WebContainer, an in-browser Node.js runtime that emulates a Linux system to some degree. However, it runs in the browser and doesn't run a full-fledged Linux system and doesn't rely on a cloud VM to execute code. All code is executed in the browser. It does come with a shell that emulates zsh. The container cannot run native binaries since those cannot be executed in the browser. That means it can only execute code that is native to a browser including JS, Web
johannschopplich / proxy.ts
Created August 30, 2024 08:19
unenv `createMock`, but optimized
const fn = function () {}
function createMock(name: string, overrides: Record<any, any> = {}): any { = name
const props: Record<any, any> = {}
return new Proxy(fn, {
get(_target, prop) {
if (prop === 'caller') {
return null
johannschopplich / polyfill.ts
Created June 24, 2024 08:22
Polyfill for `Promise.witResolvers()` in TypeScript
Promise.withResolvers ??= function <T>() {
let resolve: PromiseWithResolvers<T>["resolve"];
let reject: PromiseWithResolvers<T>["reject"];
const promise = new Promise<T>((res, rej) => {
resolve = res;
reject = rej;
return { promise, resolve: resolve!, reject: reject! };
johannschopplich / backup-env.mjs
Created April 24, 2024 07:53
Backup all your .env files while keeping the directory structure of the source directory
import process from "node:process";
import fsp from "node:fs/promises";
import path from "node:path";
import fg from "fast-glob";
async function copyEnvFiles(sourceDir, backupDir) {
try {
const envFiles = await fg(["**/.env"], {
cwd: sourceDir,
ignore: ["**/node_modules/**"],
johannschopplich / blueprint.yaml
Created April 19, 2024 05:43 — forked from lukaskleinschmidt/blueprint.yaml
Kirby 4 query pages from a searchengine for the pages field
type: pages
query: kirby.collection('articles')
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Patrick Marsceill, software designer</title>
johannschopplich / storage.ts
Created October 30, 2023 11:05
Capacitor Preferences binding for VueUse `useStorageAsync`
import { Preferences } from "@capacitor/preferences";
import type {
} from "@vueuse/core";
const capacitorPreferenceStorage: StorageLikeAsync = {
async getItem(key: string): Promise<string | null> {
johannschopplich / main.js
Created September 5, 2023 07:20
Check which tables are available for Seven SwansSEVEN SWANS restaurant in Frankfurt am Main
// Function to fetch reservation data from API
async function fetchReservationData(date, capacity = 2, agentId = 2) {
const baseUrl =
const url = `${baseUrl}?date=${date}&capacity=${capacity}&agentId=${agentId}`
try {
const response = await fetch(url)
const data = await response.json()