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Created June 3, 2011 18:03
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Unobtrusive Knockout support library for jQuery
Choose a ticket class: <select id="tickets"></select>
<p id="ticketOutput"></p>
<script id="ticketTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
{{if chosenTicket}}
You have chosen <b>${ chosenTicket().name }</b>
($${ chosenTicket().price })
<button data-bind="click: resetTicket">Clear</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
var viewModel = {
tickets: [
{ name: "Economy", price: 199.95 },
{ name: "Business", price: 449.22 },
{ name: "First Class", price: 1199.99 }
chosenTicket: ko.observable(),
resetTicket: function() { this.chosenTicket(null) }
options: "tickets",
optionsCaption: "'Choose...'",
optionsText: "'name'",
value: "chosenTicket"
$("#ticketOutput").dataBind({ template: "'ticketTemplate'" });
* @preserve Unobtrusive Knockout support library for jQuery
* @author Joel Thoms
* @version 1.1
(function($) {
if (!$ || !$['fn']) throw new Error('jQuery library is required.');
* Private method to recursively render key value pairs into a string
* @param {Object} options Object to render into a string.
* @return {string} The string value of the object passed in.
function render(options) {
var rendered = [];
for (var key in options) {
var val = options[key];
switch (typeof val) {
case 'string': rendered.push(key + ':' + val); break;
case 'object': rendered.push(key + ':{' + render(val) + '}'); break;
case 'function': rendered.push(key + ':' + val.toString()); break;
return rendered.join(',');
* jQuery extension to handle unobtrusive Knockout data binding.
* @param {Object} options Object to render into a string.
* @return {Object} A jQuery object.
$['fn']['dataBind'] = $['fn']['dataBind'] || function(options) {
return this['each'](function() {
var opts = $.extend({}, $['fn']['dataBind']['defaults'], options);
var attr = render(opts);
if (attr != null && attr != '') {
$(this)['attr']('data-bind', attr);
Unobtrusive Knockout support library for jQuery
@author Joel Thoms
@version 1.1
(function(a){function e(a){var b=[],c;for(c in a){var d=a[c];switch(typeof d){case "string":b.push(c+":"+d);break;case "object":b.push(c+":{"+e(d)+"}");break;case "function":b.push(c+":"+d.toString())}}return b.join(",")}if(!a||!a.fn)throw Error("jQuery library is required.");a.fn.dataBind=a.fn.dataBind||function(f){return this.each(function(){var b=a.extend({},a.fn.dataBind.defaults,f),b=e(b);b!=null&&b!=""&&a(this).attr("data-bind",b)})}})(jQuery);
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unirgy commented Jun 26, 2013

I think there's an inconsistency: instead of $.extend() need to use $['extend']() /sarcasm.

Is there a reason for this notation?

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joelnet commented Sep 13, 2016

@unirgy, there is no valid reason for that notation. I would do this differently today. Not sure what the reason was way back then.

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