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Created September 6, 2019 19:43
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A small script I made to help others efficently push their code to their repository.
printf "*--------------------------------------------*\n\n"
printf "Looks like you want to push something to GitHub. \n\nPlease specify what you added in a sentence or two \n>> "
read updateLog
printf "\nOkay! Which branch will you be pushing too? \n[Type the name of the branch you would like, or press [ENTER] for master.] \n>> "
read branch
if [ "$branch" == "" ]; then
printf "\n\t>> $branch has been selected\n"
printf "\t>> $updateLog will be sent as the message\n\n"
git add .
git commit -m "$updateLog"
git push origin $branch
printf "\n\n\n[Complete...]\n\n"
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