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Created June 16, 2021 08:58
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Handle paystack payment callback with Laravel Http
* Obtain Paystack payment information
* @return void
public function handleUserFeeViaPaystackCallback(Request $request)
//Instantiate Laravel Http get request to Paystack Veryify API route
//passing paystack secret key as Bearer token.
$paystack_client = Http::withToken(config('paystack.secretKey'))
//----------------------------------------------> attach the transaction ref from the request URl
->get("" . $request->query('trxref'));
$paymentDetails = $paystack_client->json();
$valid_user = User::where('email', $paymentDetails['data']['customer']['email'])->firstOrFail();
// check if transaction is successfull
if ($paymentDetails['data']['status'] === "success") {
// check if transaction amount received is equal to the amount requested.
if (($paymentDetails['data']['amount'] / 100) == 1500) {
//do what you want with the valid data
//else check if transaction is successfull
} elseif ($paymentDetails['data']['status'] === "failed") {
//do what you want with the failed transaction in your db
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