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Created October 31, 2023 02:10
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Display Microsoft 365 Groups owned by a user using the ActiveDirectory module and msExchCoManagedByLink attribute
Display Microsoft 365 Groups owned by a user.
Display modern groups (Microsoft 365 Group, Microsoft Teams, Planner, Viva Engage, etc.)
of which the user is an owner. Script requires synchronization of modern groups to the
operator's Active Directory and the operator has permissions to read user object attributes.
The script requires the PowerShell module "ActiveDirectory".
Get-M365GroupsOwned -UserName pvenkman | select DisplayName,Name
DisplayName Name
----------- ----
Demo-Staff-Team Group_9f695aaf-84fc-419d-ad4b-2873be13e74a
Research Symposium 2021 Group_67909e5b-3f72-411f-84b4-e82581dd3d0f
Tree Pop Model Group_6ebbf55d-3e8e-46c6-93cc-08d765005f30
JUGA 2021 Group_98ec65bd-6585-490f-a13b-5cd5c3e2490b
JUGA 2020 Group_435ff4c5-03fb-4c6b-8641-9bd0b952f971
DEPT-JUGA-2019 Group_03512c72-4539-4f3d-8158-d631a2cf2f3a
Get modern groups owned by the user.
Get-M365GroupsOwned -UserName pvenkman | Where-Object DisplayName -like '*juga*' | Select-Object DisplayName,Name
DisplayName Name
----------- ----
JUGA 2021 Group_98ec65bd-6585-490f-a13b-5cd5c3e2490b
JUGA 2020 Group_435ff4c5-03fb-4c6b-8641-9bd0b952f971
DEPT-JUGA-2019 Group_03512c72-4539-4f3d-8158-d631a2cf2f3a
Display modern groups owned by the user with specific string in the DisplayName.
function Get-M365GroupsOwned
Begin {
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Target", "Operation")) {
$User = Get-ADUser -Identity $UserName -Properties MemberOf
foreach ( $Group in $User.MemberOf ) {
if ($Group -like 'CN=Group_*') {
$GroupObj = Get-ADGroup -Identity $Group -Properties *
if ($GroupObj.msExchCoManagedByLink) {
if ( $GroupObj.msExchCoManagedByLink.Contains($User.DistinguishedName) ) {
End {
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