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Forked from jamis/recursive-division.rb
Created November 9, 2017 19:20
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An implementation of the "Recursive Division" algorithm for maze generation.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# An implementation of the "Recursive Division" algorithm. This is a
# kind of fractal maze algorithm, recursively dividing the maze into
# smaller and smaller cells. This algorithm stops at the integer
# boundary, but theoretically the algorithm could continue infinitely
# to smaller and smaller scales.
# Note that this algorithm is implemented as a "wall adder", rather
# than a "passage carver", so the meaning of the bits in each cell
# is reversed: instead of the S bit (for instance) meaning "a passage
# goes south", it means "there is a wall to the south".
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# 1. Allow the maze to be customized via command-line parameters
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
width = (ARGV[0] || 10).to_i
height = (ARGV[1] || width).to_i
seed = (ARGV[2] || rand(0xFFFF_FFFF)).to_i
grid = {, 0) }
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# 2. Set up constants to aid with describing the passage directions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
S, E = 1, 2
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# 3. Helper routines
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def display_maze(grid)
print "\e[H" # move to upper-left
puts " " + "_" * (grid[0].length * 2 - 1)
grid.each_with_index do |row, y|
print "|"
row.each_with_index do |cell, x|
bottom = y+1 >= grid.length
south = (cell & S != 0 || bottom)
south2 = (x+1 < grid[y].length && grid[y][x+1] & S != 0 || bottom)
east = (cell & E != 0 || x+1 >= grid[y].length)
print(south ? "_" : " ")
print(east ? "|" : ((south && south2) ? "_" : " "))
def choose_orientation(width, height)
if width < height
elsif height < width
rand(2) == 0 ? HORIZONTAL : VERTICAL
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# 4. The recursive-division algorithm itself
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def divide(grid, x, y, width, height, orientation)
return if width < 2 || height < 2
sleep 0.02
horizontal = orientation == HORIZONTAL
# where will the wall be drawn from?
wx = x + (horizontal ? 0 : rand(width-2))
wy = y + (horizontal ? rand(height-2) : 0)
# where will the passage through the wall exist?
px = wx + (horizontal ? rand(width) : 0)
py = wy + (horizontal ? 0 : rand(height))
# what direction will the wall be drawn?
dx = horizontal ? 1 : 0
dy = horizontal ? 0 : 1
# how long will the wall be?
length = horizontal ? width : height
# what direction is perpendicular to the wall?
dir = horizontal ? S : E
length.times do
grid[wy][wx] |= dir if wx != px || wy != py
wx += dx
wy += dy
nx, ny = x, y
w, h = horizontal ? [width, wy-y+1] : [wx-x+1, height]
divide(grid, nx, ny, w, h, choose_orientation(w, h))
nx, ny = horizontal ? [x, wy+1] : [wx+1, y]
w, h = horizontal ? [width, y+height-wy-1] : [x+width-wx-1, height]
divide(grid, nx, ny, w, h, choose_orientation(w, h))
print "\e[2J" # clear screen
divide(grid, 0, 0, width, height, choose_orientation(width, height))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# 5. Show the parameters used to build this maze, for repeatability
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
puts "#{$0} #{width} #{height} #{seed}"
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