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Last active August 24, 2023 14:42
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exiftool : rename files in current dir to YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS-1.ext
# Function for your .zshrc file
# Requirements: install the package manager Homebrew (, then install exiftool (type brew install exiftool in
# Renames image and MOV files according to EXIF capture date, using YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.ext format.
# Files shot within the same second get copy number added (-1,-2, etc.).
# Video files require a different, so we run exiftool 3 times:
# 1. Exclude MOV files and rename the image files with <CreateDate>.
# 2. Target MOV files and rename them with MediaCreateDate (for iPhone videos).
# 3. Target MOV files and rename them with DateTimeOriginal (for Fuji camera videos).
# References:
# Note: --ext EXCLUDES files with the extension, while -ext INCLUDES files with that extension
mediaName() {
exiftool --ext MOV '-filename<CreateDate' -d %Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S%%-c.%%le -api QuickTimeUTC=1 .;
exiftool -ext MOV '-filename<MediaCreateDate' -d %Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S%%-c.%%le -api QuickTimeUTC=1 .;
exiftool -ext MOV '-filename<DateTimeOriginal' -d %Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S%%-c.%%le -api QuickTimeUTC=1 .
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parhuzamos commented Aug 18, 2023

NOTE: For timezone handling, the switch -api QuickTimeUTC=1 should be added to the exiftool command (3 times). YMMV!

In my case images and videos were taken by a Galaxy S4 phone. Date/time information in those .mp4 files are stored in UTC, but for images: it's the local date/time that exiftool displays (and uses for rename). So, without the
-api QuickTimeUTC=1 switch, videos are not renamed properly: time is shifted 1 hour (my timezone is UTC+1).

A list of phones with image/video files that I've checked:

  • HTC Desire HD (todo)
  • Sony XPeria X: needs -api QuickTimeUTC=1
  • Samsung Galaxy S4: needs -api QuickTimeUTC=1
  • Samsung Galaxy S7 (todo)
  • Samsung Galaxy S21 (todo)

(I'll get back after checking the other phones in the list.)

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jmuspratt commented Aug 22, 2023

@parhuzamos Great catch! Thanks so much! Updated and wrapped this as a function now called mediaName()

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