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Created January 30, 2018 17:21
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Commit .travis.yml file to the GitHub repos
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Commit .travis.yml file to the repos"""
from git import Repo
import os
import shutil
def main():
Where all the action happens.
:return: None
github_org = '<GitHub org>'
repos = {
'repo-test': {
'repo_type': 'module',
'branches': [
'another-repo-test': {
'repo_type': 'site',
'branches': [
travis_yml_repo = {
'repo': 'travis-dist-files-repo',
'branch': '1.x'
travis_status_image_token = '<token>'
# Clone Travis repo.
travis_yml_repo_path = '/tmp/{}'.format(travis_yml_repo['repo'])
if os.path.exists(travis_yml_repo_path):
print "[INFO] Cloning Travis repo {}".format(travis_yml_repo['repo'])
Repo.clone_from('[email protected]:{org}/{repo}.git'.format(org=github_org, repo=travis_yml_repo['repo']), travis_yml_repo_path, branch=travis_yml_repo['branch'])
print "[INFO] Starting process to commit .travis.yml file to the repos"
for repo_name, repo_data in repos.iteritems():
# Clone repo.
print "[INFO] Cloning {}".format(repo_name)
repo_path = '/tmp/{}'.format(repo_name)
if os.path.exists(repo_path):
Repo.clone_from('[email protected]:{org}/{repo}.git'.format(org=github_org, repo=repo_name), repo_path)
except Exception, e:
print "[ERROR] Unable to clone {repo}. {message}".format(repo=repo_name, message=str(e))
repo = Repo(repo_path)
git = repo.git
for branch in repo_data['branches']:
# Switch to the right branch.
print "[INFO] Checking out branch {}".format(branch)
except Exception, e:
print "[ERROR] Unable to checkout the branch {branch}. {message}".format(branch=branch, message=str(e))
# Copy .travis.yml from the source to the repo.
print "[INFO] Copying travis.{repo_type}.dist.yml to {repo_path}/.travis.yml".format(repo_type=repo_data['repo_type'], repo_path=repo_path)
shutil.copyfile('{travis_source}/dist/travis.{repo_type}.dist.yml'.format(travis_source=travis_yml_repo_path, repo_type=repo_data['repo_type'], repo_path=repo_path), '{}/.travis.yml'.format(repo_path))
# Append Travis status image to file.
repo_readme = '{}/'.format(repo_path)
if os.path.isfile(repo_readme):
if not 'Build Status' in open(repo_readme).read():
print "[INFO] Adding Travis status image to"
travis_status_image = '[![Build Status]({org}/{repo}.svg?token={token}&branch={branch})]({org}/{repo})'.format(org=github_org, repo=repo_name, token=travis_status_image_token, branch=branch)
# Append the image markup.
with file(repo_readme, 'r') as original:
repo_readme_original =
with file(repo_readme, 'w') as modified:
modified.write("{}\n".format(travis_status_image) + repo_readme_original)
# Commit and push the changes.
print "[INFO] Committing and pushing the changes to {} branch".format(branch)
git.commit("-m", "Added Travis integration")
git.push('origin', branch)
except Exception, e:
print "[ERROR] Unable to commit and push to the branch {branch}. {message}".format(branch=branch, message=str(e))
# Delete the repos.
print "[INFO] Local repo {} has been deleted".format(repo_name)
# Delete Travis repo.
if __name__ == "__main__":
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