- The index for the site is a splash page with the picture of the monk alone on the hill (per Aj. Munindo's wishes to get folks to slow down).
- Josh thinks we should try to keep the navigation as flat as possible (i.e. not nesting more than 2 deep) and put more content on a single page for greater usability.
- Photo galleries should be keyboard-navigable (hit the right arrow to move forward, left arrow to move back)
- Josh omitted the links page because they've fallen out of use in favor of links within content itself.
- Josh likes the idea of a random (or monthly) Dhp verse, possibly in the footer, but this would require dynamic content, which he believes Jekyll can't do.
#Page Layout:
- 960 (or so) px width. (The current site is about 850 px, but 960 is fairly standard.)
- Main navigation across top of page (like http://www.abhayagiri.org, but bigger fonts)
- Breadcrumbs (e.g. "Home -> Monastery -> Monastic training")
- Contact Us in footer
#Site Navigation:
- Home
- Monastery
- Daily Visits
- Staying
- Retreats
- Our Community
- Governance (rethink this)
- Monastic Training
- Teachings
- Listening
- Dhamma Talks Collection
- Reading
- Listening
- Offerings
- Dana
- Donations
- News
- Blog
- Calendar
- Photos
- (One per photo gallery)
#Page Contents (Bullet points under each page are intended to be subheadings or a description of the content in each page.)
- The purpose of the site
- A brief list of "If you'd like to do X, check out Y" (per Andrew White's suggestion, where Y is a link to one of the pages above)
- Aruna Ratanagiri
- Kusala House
- Daily Schedule
- House Rules
- Library
- Walks
###Monastery -> Daily Visits
- Directions
- House rules
###Monastery -> Daily Visits
- (How much advance notice, no visits during winter retreat, etc.)
- Book a visit form (submits to whomever the guest monk is)
- What to expect
- 2012 Schedule
- Book a retreat form (submits to Kathanne Jones)
- What to expect
- 2012 Schedule
- Introductory paragraph on the Sangha
- A picture and short bio on each monk and lay resident
- About the trust (Josh doesn't know much about what should go here)
- Committee member bios (with pictures, just like the monastics and lay residents)
- Becoming a monk
- Link to Ajahn Munindo's talk on monastic discipline
- How to listen to a live talk
- Link to subscribe to podcast
- All available talks, categorized by teacher, year, subject
- Details on subscribing to a podcast
- Available podcasts
- Links to any other recommended listening
- Details on subscribing to a podcast
- List of Available podcasts
- Brief paragraph pointing to FSP
- An introduction on the role of generosity in buddhism
- What the monastery can use
- Donation form, details
- Intro paragraph
- (self-explanatory)
- Something like:
an embedded Google Calendar (or calendars) for the monastery, similar to Ajahn Brahm's itinerary: http://www.ajahnbrahm.org/
or a calendar RSS feed like Abhayagiri's: http://feed.abhayagiri.org/abm_calendar/
- Combined photo galleries (these could use some updated content since the latest stuff from Aruno is 2009)
#Future Plans
- Get the site to look nice on mobile devices
- Search bar
#Open questions:
- How will we publish the blog as an RSS feed?