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Created December 17, 2023 15:28
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AOC Day 11 2023
import { sumBy } from "remeda";
import { Matrix, MatrixCell, MatrixPosition } from "./data-structures/matrix";
const exampleText = await Bun.file("example.txt").text();
const buildMatrix = (input: string) =>
new Matrix(input.split("\n").map((n) => n.split("")));
const tagValues = (input: Matrix<string>) => {
let count = 0;
return input.createMappedMatrix((el, i, j) => {
return el === "#" ? (count += 1) : ".";
const expandMatrix = (input: Matrix<string>) => {
const rowLength = input.rowCount();
const originalRows = input.rows;
let rowShift = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < rowLength; i++) {
const row = originalRows[i];
if (row.every((n) => n === ".")) {
input.addRow("-".repeat(input.colCount()).split(""), i + rowShift);
const colLength = input.colCount();
let colShift = 0;
const adjustedColumns = structuredClone(input.columns);
for (let j = 0; j < colLength; j++) {
const col = adjustedColumns[j];
if (col.every((n) => n === "." || n === "-")) {
input.addColumn("-".repeat(input.rowCount()).split(""), j + colShift);
return input;
const getAllPairs = (input: Matrix<string>) => {
const numbers = tagValues(input)
.filter((n) => typeof n.value === "number");
const pairs = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= numbers.length; i++) {
for (let j = i + 1; j <= numbers.length; j++) {
numbers.find((num) => num.value === i)!,
numbers.find((num) => num.value === j)!,
return pairs;
const calculateAnswer = (input: Matrix<string>, rowWidthForExpansion = 1) => {
const expandedMatrix = expandMatrix(input);
const pairs = getAllPairs(expandedMatrix);
return sumBy(pairs, (pair) => {
const [
position: [leftI, leftJ],
position: [rightI, rightJ],
] = pair;
const [minJ, maxJ] = [rightJ, leftJ].toSorted((a, b) => a - b);
const [minI, maxI] = [rightI, leftI].toSorted((a, b) => a - b);
let count = 0;
let currentPosition = [minI, minJ] as MatrixPosition;
while (JSON.stringify(currentPosition) !== JSON.stringify([maxI, maxJ])) {
let nextCell: MatrixCell<string | number>;
const timesLarger = rowWidthForExpansion;
const currentCell = expandedMatrix.cell(currentPosition);
if (maxI > currentPosition[0]) {
nextCell = expandedMatrix
count += currentCell.value() === "-" ? timesLarger : 1;
} else if (maxJ > currentPosition[1]) {
nextCell = expandedMatrix.cell(currentPosition).getAllNeighbors().right;
count += currentCell.value() === "-" ? timesLarger : 1;
} else {
throw new Error("unhandled case");
currentPosition = nextCell.position;
return count;
console.log(calculateAnswer(buildMatrix(exampleText), 999999));
import { range } from "remeda";
type Position = [number, number];
export type MatrixPosition = [number, number];
export class MatrixCell<T> {
position: Position;
parent: Matrix<T>;
constructor(position: Position, parent: Matrix<T>) {
this.position = position;
this.parent = parent;
value() {
return this.parent.valueAt(this.position);
getAllNeighbors() {
const [x, y] = this.position;
return {
topLeft: this.parent.cell([x - 1, y - 1]),
topMiddle: this.parent.cell([x - 1, y]),
topRight: this.parent.cell([x - 1, y + 1]),
left: this.parent.cell([x, y - 1]),
right: this.parent.cell([x, y + 1]),
bottomLeft: this.parent.cell([x + 1, y - 1]),
bottomMiddle: this.parent.cell([x + 1, y]),
bottomRight: this.parent.cell([x + 1, y + 1]),
export class Matrix<T> {
rows: T[][] = [];
columns: T[][] = [];
constructor(rows: T[][]) {
valueAt(position: Position) {
return this.rows[position[0]][position[1]];
redrawFromRows(rows: T[][]) {
this.rows = [];
const rowLength = rows.length;
for (let i = 0; i < rowLength; i++) {
const row = rows[i];
for (let j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
if (!this.columns[j]) this.columns.push([]);
this.columns[j][i] = row[j];
addRow(row: T[], afterRow: number) {
if (afterRow === -1) {
} else {
const newRows = [
...this.rows.slice(0, afterRow + 1),
...this.rows.slice(afterRow + 1),
addColumn(column: T[], afterColumn: number) {
const rowLength = this.rows.length;
for (let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowLength; rowIndex++) {
if (afterColumn === -1) {
this.rows[rowIndex] = [column[rowIndex], ...this.rows[rowIndex]];
} else {
this.rows[rowIndex] = [
...this.rows[rowIndex].slice(0, afterColumn + 1),
...this.rows[rowIndex].slice(afterColumn + 1),
cell(position: Position) {
return new MatrixCell(position, this);
toString(input = 2 as number | ((input: typeof this) => unknown)) {
if (typeof input === "number") {
let str = "";
str +=
" " +
range(0, this.columns.length)
.map((n) => n.toString().padStart(input, "0"))
.join(" ");
for (let i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) {
str += `\n${i.toString().padStart(2)} ${this.rows[i].join(
" ".repeat(input)
return str;
if (typeof input !== "number") {
return input(this);
colCount() {
return this.columns.length;
rowCount() {
return this.rows.length;
createMappedMatrix<R>(cb: (input: T, i: number, j: number) => R) {
return new Matrix(, i) =>, j) => cb(el, i, j)))
clone() {
return new Matrix(structuredClone(this.rows));
maxBy(cb?: (input: T) => unknown) {
let max: T | undefined;
const cbActual = cb ? cb : (el: T) => el;
for (let row of this.rows) {
for (let cell of row) {
if (!max) max = cell;
if ((cbActual(cell) as any) > (cbActual(max) as any)) max = cell;
return max;
minBy(cb?: (input: T) => unknown) {
let min: T | undefined;
const cbActual = cb ? cb : (el: T) => el;
for (let row of this.rows) {
for (let cell of row) {
if (!min) min = cell;
if ((cbActual(cell) as any) < (cbActual(min) as any)) min = cell;
return min;
withPositions() {
return this.createMappedMatrix((input, i, j) => ({
position: [i, j],
value: input,
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