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Last active October 28, 2019 18:57
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Initialize GnuPG and gpg-agent with Yubikey from the startup of Zsh
# pre-init.zsh
# 2019-10-28
# @JKL9x
# ~/.gnupg doesn't exists
if [[ ! -d $HOME/.gnupg ]]; then
print -Pn "%K{1}%F{230}Stow gnupg or SSH/GPG will no work fully.%f%k"
# ~/.gnupg exists
# ~/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent doesn't exists and or isn't a socket
if [[ ! -S $HOME/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent ]]; then
echo "Not fine"
gpg -K
curl -L $GPG_PUBLIC_KEY_URL | gpg --import
echo "Everything seems fine!"
# vim: set ft=zsh sw=2:
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