##Simply annoying Tweets
Annoyingly extended words (4+ of the same letter in a phrase): OOOOHHHHMMMMYYYYGGGGOOOODDDD
Tweet w/ just a single hashtag: #omgthissucks
^ *#[^ ]+$
Not a regex, but self retweets: In case you missed it I pooped this morning :)
In case you missed it
##App Location Updates
(updated for multiple words in Location name)
Path app location updates: (at Location) - path.com/foo
\(at [a-zA-z0-9_ ]*\) — http://[^ ]+$
Foursquare app location updates: w/ @twittername 4sq.com/foo
w/ @[^@]+ http://[^ ]+$
More Foursquare app location updates: w/ 8 others 4sq.com/foo
w/ [0-9]+ others http://[^ ]+$
Yet more Foursquare app location updates (seriously...): (@ Location w/ 4 others) 4sq.com/foo
\(@ [a-zA-Z0-9_/ ] w/ [0-9]+ others*\) http://[^ ]+$
Indeed, muting clients is awesome, just put all the crappy update stuff on the mute list and enjoy only real people. But still a nice list.