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Last active August 2, 2023 08:35
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NOTE 2023-07-30: This gist is deprecated in favor of . llama2.jl is a port of @karpathy's llama2.c to Julia.
# A port of
# to Julia.
# Jiahao Chen <[email protected]> 2023-07-29
# MIT License: see full text at
using LinearAlgebra
using LogExpFunctions
using StatsBase
struct Config
dim::Int # transformer dimension
hidden_dim::Int # for ffn layers
n_layers::Int # number of layers
n_heads::Int # number of query heads
n_kv_heads::Int # number of key/value heads (can be < query heads because of multiquery)
vocab_size::Int # vocabulary size, usually 256 (byte-level)
seq_len::Int # max sequence length
function, ::Type{Config})
dim = read(io, Int32)
@info "dim = $dim"
hidden_dim = read(io, Int32)
@info "hidden_dim = $hidden_dim"
n_layers = read(io, Int32)
@info "n_layers = $n_layers"
n_heads = read(io, Int32)
@info "n_heads = $n_heads"
n_kv_heads = read(io, Int32)
@info "n_kv_heads = $n_kv_heads"
vocab_size = read(io, Int32)
@info "vocab_size = $vocab_size"
seq_len = read(io, Int32)
@info "seq_len = $seq_len"
shared_weights = vocab_size > 0
@info "shared_weights = $shared_weights"
vocab_size = abs(vocab_size)
@info "vocab_size = $vocab_size"
Config(dim, hidden_dim, n_layers, n_heads, n_kv_heads, vocab_size, seq_len, shared_weights)
@kwdef struct TransformerWeights{T}
# cjh: Here, and in many other places, the matrices are interpreted as being indexed with the dimensions reversed relative to llama2.c, to respect the row-major storage format of the original C and Python codes.
# This means that matrices have to be transposed in downstream matrix products
token_embedding_table::Matrix{T} # (dim, vocab_size)
# weights for rmsnorms
rms_att_weight::Matrix{T} # (dim, layer)
rms_ffn_weight::Matrix{T} # (dim, layer)
# weights for matmuls
wq::Array{T,3} # (dim, dim, layer)
wk::Array{T,3} # (dim, dim, layer)
wv::Array{T,3} # (dim, dim, layer)
wo::Array{T,3} # (dim, dim, layer)
# weights for ffn
w1::Array{T,3} # (dim, hidden_dim, layer)
w2::Array{T,3} # (hidden_dim, dim, layer)
w3::Array{T,3} # (dim, hidden_dim, layer)
# final rmsnorm
rms_final_weight::Vector{T} # (dim,)
# freq_cis for RoPE relative positional embeddings
freq_cis_real::Matrix{T} # ((dim / n_heads) / 2, seq_len)
freq_cis_imag::Matrix{T} # ((dim / n_heads) / 2, seq_len)
TransformerWeights(p::Config) = TransformerWeights(;
token_embedding_table = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.vocab_size),
rms_att_weight = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.n_layers),
rms_ffn_weight = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.n_layers),
wq = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.dim, p.n_layers),
wk = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.dim, p.n_layers),
wv = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.dim, p.n_layers),
wo = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.dim, p.n_layers),
w1 = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.hidden_dim, p.n_layers),
w2 = zeros(Float32, p.hidden_dim, p.dim, p.n_layers),
w3 = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.hidden_dim, p.n_layers),
rms_final_weight = zeros(Float32, p.dim),
freq_cis_real = zeros(Float32, (p.dim ÷ p.n_heads) ÷ 2, p.seq_len),
freq_cis_imag = zeros(Float32, (p.dim ÷ p.n_heads) ÷ 2, p.seq_len),
function!(io::IOStream, w::TransformerWeights)
read!(io, w.token_embedding_table)
read!(io, w.rms_att_weight)
read!(io, w.wq)
read!(io, w.wk)
read!(io, w.wv)
read!(io, w.wo)
read!(io, w.rms_ffn_weight)
read!(io, w.w1)
read!(io, w.w2)
read!(io, w.w3)
read!(io, w.rms_final_weight)
read!(io, w.freq_cis_real)
read!(io, w.freq_cis_imag)
return w
@kwdef struct RunState{T} # current wave of activations
x::Vector{T} # activation at current time stamp (dim,)
xb::Vector{T} # same, but inside a residual branch (dim,)
xb2::Vector{T} # an additional buffer just for convenience (dim,)
hb::Vector{T} # buffer for hidden dimension in the ffn (hidden_dim,)
hb2::Vector{T} # buffer for hidden dimension in the ffn (hidden_dim,)
q::Vector{T} # query (dim,)
k::Vector{T} # key (dim,)
v::Vector{T} # value (dim,)
att::Vector{T} # buffer for scores/attention values (seq_len,)
logits::Vector{T} # output logits
# kv cache
key_cache::Array{T,3} # (dim, seq_len, layer)
value_cache::Array{T,3} # (dim, seq_len, layer)
RunState(p::Config) = RunState(;
x = zeros(Float32, p.dim),
xb = zeros(Float32, p.dim),
xb2 = zeros(Float32, p.dim),
hb = zeros(Float32, p.hidden_dim),
hb2 = zeros(Float32, p.hidden_dim),
q = zeros(Float32, p.dim),
k = zeros(Float32, p.dim),
v = zeros(Float32, p.dim),
att = zeros(Float32, p.seq_len),
logits = zeros(Float32, p.vocab_size),
key_cache = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.seq_len, p.n_layers),
value_cache = zeros(Float32, p.dim, p.seq_len, p.n_layers),
function rmsnorm!(o, x, weight; ϵ = 1f-5)
n = length(x)
ss = 1/√(x⋅x/n + ϵ)
# normalize and scale
o .= weight .* (ss .* x)
softmax!(x) = LogExpFunctions.softmax!(x,x)
@views function transformer!(token::Int, pos::Int, p::Config, s::RunState, w::TransformerWeights)
# a few convenience variables
x = s.x
dim = p.dim
hidden_dim = p.hidden_dim
head_size = dim ÷ p.n_heads
# copy the token embedding into x
x[:] = w.token_embedding_table[:, token]
# pluck out the "pos" row of freq_cis_real and freq_cis_imag
freq_cis_real_row = w.freq_cis_real[:, pos]
freq_cis_imag_row = w.freq_cis_imag[:, pos]
# forward all the layers
for l in 1:p.n_layers
# attention rmsnorm
rmsnorm!(s.xb, x, w.rms_att_weight[:, l])
# qkv matmuls for this position
# cjh: Here, and in many other places, the matrix has to be transposed because of row-major vs column-major issues
mul!(s.q, w.wq[:, :, l]', s.xb)
mul!(s.k, w.wk[:, :, l]', s.xb)
mul!(s.v, w.wv[:, :, l]', s.xb)
# apply RoPE rotation to the q and k vectors for each head
for h in 1:p.n_heads
this_head = ((h-1)*head_size+1):(h*head_size)
# get the q and k vectors for this head
q = s.q[this_head]
k = s.k[this_head]
# rotate q and k by the freq_cis_real and freq_cis_imag
for i=1:2:head_size
q0 = q[i]
q1 = q[i+1]
k0 = k[i]
k1 = k[i+1]
fcr = freq_cis_real_row[(1+i)÷2]
fci = freq_cis_imag_row[(1+i)÷2]
q[i] = q0 * fcr - q1 * fci
q[i+1] = q0 * fci + q1 * fcr
k[i] = k0 * fcr - k1 * fci
k[i+1] = k0 * fci + k1 * fcr
# save key,value at this time step (pos) to our kv cache
s.key_cache[:, pos, l] = s.k
s.value_cache[:, pos, l] = s.v
# multihead attention. iterate over all heads
for h in 1:p.n_heads
this_head = ((h-1)*head_size+1):(h*head_size)
# get the query vector for this head
q = s.q[this_head]
# get the key vector for this head and at all timesteps
k = s.key_cache[this_head, 1:pos, l]
# calculate the attention score as the dot product of q and k
mul!(s.att[1:pos], k', q)
s.att[1:pos] /= √(head_size)
# softmax the scores to get attention weights
# weighted sum of the values, store back into xb
mul!(s.xb[this_head], s.value_cache[this_head, 1:pos, l], s.att[1:pos])
# final matmul to get the output of the attention
mul!(s.xb2, w.wo[:, :, l]', s.xb)
# residual connection back into x
x .+= s.xb2
# ffn rmsnorm
rmsnorm!(s.xb, x, w.rms_ffn_weight[:, l])
# Now for FFN in PyTorch we have: self.w2(F.silu(self.w1(x)) * self.w3(x))
# first calculate self.w1(x) and self.w3(x)
mul!(s.hb, w.w1[:, :, l]', s.xb)
mul!(s.hb2, w.w3[:, :, l]', s.xb)
# F.silu silu(x)=x*σ(x), where σ(x) is the logistic sigmoid
@. s.hb *= s.hb2*logistic(s.hb)
# final matmul to get the output of the ffn
mul!(s.xb, w.w2[:, :, l]', s.hb)
# residual connection
x .+= s.xb
# final rmsnorm
rmsnorm!(x, x, w.rms_final_weight)
# classifier into logits
mul!(s.logits, w.token_embedding_table', x)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# byte pair encoding (BPE) tokenizer, encodes strings into tokens so we can prompt
TokenizedString{T, S<:Integer} <: AbstractString
A simple string type that provides an encoding:
1:typemax(S) -> alphabet::T
# Implementation note
The AbstractString interface is not complete.
To use in any real use case, convert to a `String` first.
struct TokenizedString{T, S<:Integer} <: AbstractString
# Very basic string interface
# TODO fix repr()
Base.ncodeunits(s::TokenizedString) = length(s.tokens)
Base.firstindex(s::TokenizedString) = 1
Base.isvalid(s::TokenizedString, i::Int) = 1 ≤ i ≤ length(s.tokens)
function Base.isvalid(::Type{TokenizedString}, s::TokenizedString)
n = length(s.alphabet)
for i in s.tokens
if i < 1 || i > n
return false
return true
function Base.iterate(s::TokenizedString, idx::Int=firstindex(s))
if idx <= ncodeunits(s)
return (s.alphabet[s.tokens[idx]], idx+1)
function Base.convert(::Type{String}, s::TokenizedString)
io = IOBuffer()
for i in s.tokens
print(io, s.alphabet[i])
DigramEncodingTokenizer{T, S<:Real} <: AbstractString
A diagram encoding tokenizer emitting tokens of type `T`.
A special case would be a byte pair encoder, with `T = Vector{UInt8}`.
The `scores` of eltype `S` are used to determine the most frequent tokens.
In the simplest case, the scores are the token frequencies.
This implementation is intended to be used with `load_tokenizer()` to retrieve predefined `alphabet` and `scores`.
julia> enc = load_tokenizer("/Users/jiahao/local/src/llama2.c/tokenizer.bin", 32000); enc("Hello world").tokens
2-element Vector{UInt16}:
struct DigramEncodingTokenizer{T, S<:Real} <: AbstractString
load_tokenizer(filename, vocab_size) -> DigramEncodingTokenizer{String,Float32}
Loads the tokenizer from the binary file format used by nanoGPT.
function load_tokenizer(filename, vocab_size)
vocab = Vector{Vector{UInt8}}(undef, vocab_size)
vocab_scores = Vector{Float32}(undef, vocab_size)
file = open(filename)
max_token_length = read(file, Int32)
for i in 1:vocab_size
vocab_scores[i] = read(file, Float32)
len = read(file, Int32)
if len > max_token_length
@error "Encountered token of length $len exceeding maximum of $max_token_length"
vocab[i] = read(file, len)
if !eof(file)
@warn "Stopped before end of file was reached: $filename"
DigramEncodingTokenizer([String(copy(s)) for s in vocab], vocab_scores)
_infer_int_type(n) -> T <: Integer
Finds the smallest (unsigned) integer type that can represent the positive number `n`.
function _infer_int_type(n)
if n < typemax(UInt8)
elseif n < typemax(UInt16)
elseif n < typemax(UInt32)
elseif n < typemax(UInt64)
elseif n < typemax(UInt128)
BigInt # Should never be needed
# call method
function (enc::DigramEncodingTokenizer)(text::String)
alphabet = enc.alphabet
scores = enc.scores
R = _infer_int_type(length(alphabet))
T = eltype(scores)
tokens = R[]
# First encode every character
for ch in text
char = string(ch)
id = findfirst(isequal(char), alphabet)
if isnothing(id)
@error "\"$char\" not in alphabet"
push!(tokens, id)
while true # Keep merging consecutive pairs
best_score = typemin(T)
best_id = best_idx = 0
for i = 1:length(tokens)-1
# check if we can merge the pair (tokens[i], tokens[i+1])
token = alphabet[tokens[i]]*alphabet[tokens[i+1]]
id = findfirst(isequal(token), alphabet)
if (!isnothing(id) && scores[id] > best_score)
# this merge pair exists in alphabet! record its score and position
best_score = scores[id]
best_id = id
best_idx = i
if (best_idx == 0)
@debug "Done"
break # we couldn't find any more pairs to merge, so we're done
# merge the consecutive pair (best_idx, best_idx+1) into new token best_id
# a = alphabet[best_idx]
# b = alphabet[best_idx+1]
# @debug "Merging ($a, $b)"
tokens[best_idx] = best_id
# delete token at position best_idx+1, shift the entire sequence back 1
deleteat!(tokens, best_idx+1)
TokenizedString(tokens, alphabet)
temperature = 0.9f0,
steps = 256,
prompt = "",
stop_on_bos = true,
io = stdout)
This implementation has been tested on the stories15M nano GPT model
and mostly reproduces the output of llama2.c at zero temperature with no prompt.
The main difference is that it does not print the starting BOS token,
and terminates the text generation early if a BOS token is encountered
later. To reproduce the exact output of llama2.c, specify the kwarg
stop_on_bos = false.
Two test cases have been tested against llama2.c:
julia> main("stories15M.bin", "tokenizer.bin", temperature = 0.0f0, steps = 256, prompt = "")
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the sunshine. One day, she saw a big, red ball in the sky. It was the sun! She thought it was so pretty.
Lily wanted to play with the ball, but it was too high up in the sky. She tried to jump and reach it, but she couldn't. Then, she had an idea. She would use a stick to knock the ball down.
Lily found a stick and tried to hit the ball. But the stick was too short. She tried again and again, but she couldn't reach it. She felt sad.
Suddenly, a kind man came by and saw Lily. He asked her what was wrong. Lily told him about the ball. The man smiled and said, "I have a useful idea!" He took out a long stick and used it to knock the ball down. Lily was so happy! She thanked the man and they played together in the sunshine.
julia> main("stories15M.bin", "tokenizer.bin", temperature = 0.0f0, steps = 256, prompt = "Once upon a time, there was a dog")
Once upon a time, there was a dog named Max. Max was a very happy dog and he loved to play. One day, Max was playing in the park when he saw a big, scary cat. Max was so scared that he started to run away.
Max ran and ran until he was very tired. He stopped to take a rest and then he saw a big, scary cat. Max was so scared that he started to cry.
The cat said, "Don't be scared, little dog. I won't hurt you. I just want to be your friend."
Max was still scared, but he was also very brave. He said, "Okay, I'm sorry. I won't be scared anymore."
The cat smiled and said, "That's okay. I'm not scary. I just want to be friends."
Max was so happy that he had made a new friend. He and the cat played together all day and had lots of fun.
function main(
temperature = 0.9f0,
steps = 256,
prompt = "",
stop_on_bos = true,
io = stdout
# read in the model.bin file
config, weights = open(checkpoint_filename) do file
config = read(file, Config)
weights = TransformerWeights(config)
read!(file, weights)
config, weights
# read in the tokenizer.bin file
tokenizer = load_tokenizer(tokenizer_filename, config.vocab_size)
vocab = tokenizer.alphabet
state = RunState(config)
# process the prompt, if any
s = tokenizer(prompt)
num_prompt_tokens = length(s)
prompt_tokens = s.tokens
# start the main loop
start_time = nothing# used to time our code, only initialized after first iteration
token = 2 # init with BOS token, as done in Llama-2 sentencepiece tokenizer
pos = 1 # position in the sequence
while (pos <= steps)
# forward the transformer to get logits for the next token
transformer!(token, pos, config, state, weights)
if pos <= num_prompt_tokens
# if we are still processing the input prompt, force the next prompt token
next = prompt_tokens[pos]
elseif (temperature == 0.0f0) # sample the next token
# greedy argmax sampling: take the token with the highest probability
next = argmax(state.logits)
else # sample the next token at finite temperature
# apply the temperature to the logits
state.logits ./= temperature
# apply softmax to the logits to get the probabilities for next token
# we sample from this distribution to get the next token
# p, i = findmax(state.logits)
next::Int = sample(ProbabilityWeights(state.logits, 1.0f0))
# error( p, " - ", i, " - ", vocab[i])
# following BOS token (2), sentencepiece decoder strips any leading whitespace (see PR #89)
token_str = vocab[next]
if token == 2
token_str = lstrip(token_str)
# cjh: This behavior deviates from llama2.c if stop_on_bos == true
if stop_on_bos && next == 2
print(io, token_str)
# advance forward
token = next
pos += 1
# init our timer here because the first iteration is slow
if isnothing(start_time)
start_time = time_ns()
# report our achieved tok/s
speed = config.seq_len / (time_ns() - start_time)*1e9
@info "achieved tok/s: $speed"
return nothing
prompt = "Once upon a time, there was a dog",
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