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Last active August 2, 2018 17:56
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Babun install

Babun Setup for Python Developers

Babun is “A Windows shell you will love!”

It's a turn-key CygWin distribution for developers and is very easy to install and maintain. For a Python developer, Babun allows working in an almost-POSIX environment – with some limitation, of course. This causes less friction when handling FOSS projects that are often biased towards a standard Linux environment, e.g. by using shell scripts for boot-strapping and things like that.

  • Download the installer ZIP archive from the Babun homepage.

  • Unzip it (e.g. using Windows Explorer).

  • Double-click the installer (install.bat), and wait…

  • Catch up (babun update).

  • Change the default shell from zsh to bash if you're used to it (babun shell /bin/bash).

  • Edit ~/.bashrc to activate loading of ~/.bash_aliases.

  • Install additional Python essentials:

    pact install python-setuptools python-ming
    pact install libxml2-devel libxslt-devel libyaml-devel
    curl -skS | python
    pip install virtualenv
    curl -skS | python
  • Enjoy!

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jhermann commented May 6, 2015

Babun PS1:

\[\033[00;34m\]{ \[\033[01;34m\]\W \[\033[00;34m\]}\[\033[01;32m\] $( git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null || echo ) \[\033[01;31m\]» \[\033[00m\]

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How can I install python 3 on babun?

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