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Last active May 16, 2024 18:41
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PostgreSQL Duplicate indexes check
\o /tmp/duplicate-indexes.txt
-- check for exact matches
SELECT indrelid::regclass
, array_agg(indexrelid::regclass)
FROM pg_index
GROUP BY indrelid
, indkey
-- check for matches on only the first column of the index
-- requires some human eyeballing to verify
SELECT indrelid::regclass
, array_agg(indexrelid::regclass)
FROM pg_index
GROUP BY indrelid
, indkey[0]
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The query is not correct for indices having where in their conditions. F.e.

create index if not exists on my_table_my_index_col_3_is_1_idx (col_1, col_2) where col_3 = 1;


create index if not exists on my_table_my_index_col_3_is_2_idx (col_1, col_2) where col_3 = 2;

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