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Last active June 20, 2017 18:21
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// Immutable update techniques
// mutate in place
myData.x.y.z = 7;
mydata.a.b[2] = 3;
// clone and mutate
const newData = deepCopy(myData);
newData.x.y.z = 7;
mydata.a.b[2] = 3;
// manual
const ab = myData.a.b.concat(9);
ab[2] = 3;
const newData = Object.assign(myData, {
x: Object.assign(myData.x, {
y: Object.assign(myData.x.y, {z: 7}),
a: Object.assign(myData.a, {b: ab})
// manual with object spread
const ab = myData.a.b.concat(9);
ab[2] = 3;
const newData = {
x: {...myData.x,
y: {...myData.x.y, z: 7},
a: {
b: ab
const newData = update(myData, {
x: {y: {z: {$set: 7}}},
a: {b: {
2: {$set: 3},
$push: [9]
// partial.lenses
const ab = ['a', 'b'];
const ab2 = [ab, 2];
const doStuff = R.pipe(
set(['x', 'y', 'z'], 7),
modify(ab, append(9)),
set(ab2, 2)
const newData = doStuff(myData)
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That's a good usecase. I've added some ways to do that to all the above examples.

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osidenate commented Apr 7, 2017

Add an item to an Array at a particular index:

const add = (item, index, arr) => {
    const slice1 = arr.slice(0, index);
    const slice2 = arr.slice(index, arr.length);
    return [...slice1, item, ...slice2];

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Remove an item from an Array:

const remove = (index, arr) => {
    const slice1 = arr.slice(0, index);
    const slice2 = arr.slice(index + 1, arr.length);
    return [...slice1, ...slice2];

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@osidenate Yeah, those are good. With ramda those are remove and insert. Unfortunately they're not sufficient to do the nested updates. They do combo with lenses though.

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