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Created April 13, 2016 15:55
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Create an Apple software distribution manifest for an Apple pkg installer (see
# create a "wireless manifest" for Apple pkg installers. for details
# on the manifest see:
import subprocess
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import os
from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
from hashlib import md5
import plistlib
# use system PATH
XAR_PATH = 'xar'
MD5_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 10 # 10 MiB
def pkg_signed(filename):
xar_args = [XAR_PATH,
'-t', # only test archive
p = subprocess.Popen(xar_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
toc, _ = p.communicate()
toc_md = parseString(toc)
# for purposes of checking just see if the xar TOC has an X509Certificate element
return len(toc_md.getElementsByTagName('X509Certificate')) >= 1
def get_pkg_ids(filename):
'''Get metadata from Distribution or PackageInfo inside of pkg'''
tmp_dir = mkdtemp()
print 'Extracting Distribution/PackageInfo file to', tmp_dir
xar_args = [XAR_PATH,
'-x', # extract switch
'--exclude', '/', # exclude any files in subdirectories
'-C', tmp_dir, # extract to our temporary directory
'-f', filename, # extract this specific file
'Distribution', 'PackageInfo'] # files to extract
rtn =
tmp_dist_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'Distribution')
tmp_pinf_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'PackageInfo')
pkgs = []
# for non-PackageInfo packages (use PackageInfo)
if os.path.exists(tmp_dist_file):
# use XML minidom to parse a Distribution file
dist_md = parse(tmp_dist_file)
# capture the pkg IDs and versions by searching for 'pkg-ref' elements
# which include a 'version' attribute on them. append them to our list
for i in dist_md.getElementsByTagName('pkg-ref'):
if i.hasAttribute('version'):
pkgs.append((i.getAttribute('id'), i.getAttribute('version')))
# TODO: to ferret out any actual bundle IDs and use those? by logs for
# commerce/storehelperd daemon appear to look for packages by
# those. but then for packages that don't install bundles?
# dist_md.getElementsByTagName('bundle)
print 'Removing Distribution file'
# for non-Distribution packages (use the PackageInfo)
if os.path.exists(tmp_pinf_file):
pinf_md = parse(tmp_pinf_file)
# capture the pkg ID and version by searching for a pkg-info element
# and using the identifier and version attributes
for i in pinf_md.getElementsByTagName('pkg-info'):
pkgs.append((i.getAttribute('identifier'), i.getAttribute('version')))
print 'Removing PackageInfo file'
print 'Removing temp directory'
return pkgs
def get_chunked_md5(filename, chunksize=10485760):
h = md5()
md5s = []
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''):
new_hash = md5()
return md5s
def gen_package_manifest(filename, url_prefix, title, subtitle=None):
asset = {
'kind': 'software-package',
'md5-size': MD5_CHUNK_SIZE,
'md5s': get_chunked_md5(filename, chunksize=MD5_CHUNK_SIZE),
'url': url_prefix + filename,
metadata = {'kind': 'software', 'title': title, 'sizeInBytes': os.path.getsize(filename)}
pkgs_ids = get_pkg_ids(filename)
pkgs_bundles = [{'bundle-identifier': i[0], 'bundle-version': i[1]} for i in pkgs_ids]
if subtitle:
metadata['subtitle'] = subtitle
if len(pkgs_bundles) > 1:
metadata['items'] = pkgs_bundles
download = {'assets': [asset, ], 'metadata': metadata}
manifest = {'items': [download]}
return manifest
PKG = 'munkitools-'
# PKG = 'Server-3.2.2.pkg'
manif = gen_package_manifest(PKG, '', 'Install Title')
plistlib.writePlist(manif, 'Manifest.xml')
print 'Wrote Manifest.xml'
if not pkg_signed(PKG):
print '>>> WARNING! WARNING! Package does not appear to be signed!'
print 'Package appears to be signed (good) but did not check for valid signature or certificate'
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