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Created February 2, 2023 19:33
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Fluid Typography Tailwind Plugin
const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin')
const isPlainObject = require('tailwindcss/lib/util/isPlainObject').default
const { rem } = require('@viget/tailwindcss-plugins/utilities/fns')
* Outputs various typography styles as Tailwind components
* .heading-NAME-SIZE
* .body-text-SIZE
* .ui-text-SIZE
* .utility-text-SIZE
* .button-text-SIZE
const percentToEm = (percent) => `${percent / 100}em`
* Adapted from
* @param {Number} minSize Minimum font size in pixels
* @param {Number} maxSize Maximum font size in pixels
* @param {String} unit The unit to use for scaling between min & max. Defaults to `cqi`.
* @param {Number} minContainer Minimum container size in pixels
* @param {Number} maxContainer Maximum container size in pixels
* @returns
const fluidFontSize = (
unit = 'cqi',
minContainer = 480,
maxContainer = 1200
) => {
const clamp = (min, val, max) => `clamp(${[min, val, max].join(', ')})`
const slope = (maxSize - minSize) / (maxContainer - minContainer)
const slopeToUnit = Number((slope * 100).toFixed(2))
const interceptRem = (minSize - slope * minContainer).toFixed(2)
const fluidVal = `${slopeToUnit}${unit} + ${rem(interceptRem)}`
const finalSizeValue = clamp(rem(minSize), fluidVal, rem(maxSize))
return finalSizeValue
module.exports = plugin(({ matchComponents, theme }) => {
const headingCondensedValues = {
'2xl': [
[rem(80), fluidFontSize(48, 80)],
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.display'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 0.9,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(1),
textTransform: 'uppercase',
xl: [
[rem(64), fluidFontSize(32, 64)],
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.display'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 0.9,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(1),
textTransform: 'uppercase',
lg: [
[rem(56), fluidFontSize(32, 56)],
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.display'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 0.9,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(1),
textTransform: 'uppercase',
md: [
[rem(48), fluidFontSize(32, 48)],
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.display'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 1.1,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(1),
textTransform: 'uppercase',
sm: [
[rem(32), fluidFontSize(24, 32)],
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.display'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 1.1,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(1),
textTransform: 'uppercase',
xs: [
[rem(24), fluidFontSize(18, 24)],
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.display'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 1.1,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(1),
textTransform: 'uppercase',
const headingUtilityValues = {
xl: [
[rem(30), fluidFontSize(20, 30)],
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.sans'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 1.3,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(2),
lg: [
[rem(24), fluidFontSize(16, 24)],
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.sans'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 1.3,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(2),
md: [
[rem(20), fluidFontSize(14, 20)],
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.sans'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 1.3,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(2),
sm: [
[rem(16), fluidFontSize(14, 16)],
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.sans'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 1.3,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(2),
xs: [
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.sans'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 1.3,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(2),
const bodyTextValues = {
'2xl': [
[rem(24), fluidFontSize(18, 24)],
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.serif'),
lineHeight: 1.6,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(1),
xl: [
[rem(20), fluidFontSize(16, 20)],
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.serif'),
lineHeight: 1.6,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(1),
lg: [
[rem(18), fluidFontSize(14, 18)],
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.serif'),
lineHeight: 1.6,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(1),
md: [
[rem(16), fluidFontSize(14, 16)],
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.serif'),
lineHeight: 1.6,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(1),
sm: [
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.serif'),
lineHeight: 1.6,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(1),
xs: [
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.serif'),
lineHeight: 1.6,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(1),
const uiTextValues = {
lg: [
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.sans'),
lineHeight: 1.5,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(2),
md: [
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.sans'),
lineHeight: 1.5,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(2),
sm: [
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.sans'),
lineHeight: 1.5,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(2),
const utilityTextValues = {
lg: [
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.display'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 1.1,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(6),
textTransform: 'uppercase',
md: [
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.display'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 1.1,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(6),
textTransform: 'uppercase',
sm: [
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.display'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 1.1,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(6),
textTransform: 'uppercase',
const buttonTextValues = {
lg: [
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.sans'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 1.1,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(2),
md: [
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.sans'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 1.1,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(2),
sm: [
fontFamily: theme('fontFamily.sans'),
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 1.1,
letterSpacing: percentToEm(2),
const outputTypeStyles = (name, values) => {
[`${name}`]: (value) => {
let [fontSize, options] = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]
let {
} = isPlainObject(options) ? options : { lineHeight: options }
return {
'font-size': fontSize,
...(lineHeight === undefined ? {} : { 'line-height': lineHeight }),
...(letterSpacing === undefined
? {}
: { 'letter-spacing': letterSpacing }),
...(fontFamily === undefined ? {} : { 'font-family': fontFamily }),
...(fontWeight === undefined ? {} : { 'font-weight': fontWeight }),
...(textTransform === undefined
? {}
: { 'text-transform': textTransform }),
values: values,
type: ['absolute-size', 'relative-size', 'length', 'percentage'],
outputTypeStyles('heading-condensed', headingCondensedValues)
outputTypeStyles('heading-utility', headingUtilityValues)
outputTypeStyles('body-text', bodyTextValues)
outputTypeStyles('ui-text', uiTextValues)
outputTypeStyles('utility-text', utilityTextValues)
outputTypeStyles('button-text', buttonTextValues)
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