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Last active July 9, 2020 00:01
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{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Main where
import Codec.Picture (PixelRGBA8( .. ), writePng, Image)
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.Random
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Colour.RGBSpace
import Data.Colour.RGBSpace.HSV
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Graphics.Rasterific
import Graphics.Rasterific.Linear
import Graphics.Rasterific.Texture
import Graphics.Rasterific.Transformations
import qualified Numeric.Noise.Perlin as P
main :: IO ()
main = do
seed <- round . (*1000) <$> getPOSIXTime
let stdGen = mkStdGen seed
width = 60
height = 60
scaling = 20
world = World width height seed scaling eggShell
img = run world stdGen (render sketch)
path = "images/sketch-" <> show seed <> "-"
<> show (round scaling :: Int) <> ".png"
putStrLn "Generating art..."
writePng path img
writePng "images/latest.png" img
data World = World
{ worldWidth :: Int
, worldHeight :: Int
, worldSeed :: Int
, worldScale :: Float
, bgColor :: PixelRGBA8
type Generate a = RandT StdGen (Reader World) a
run :: World -> StdGen -> Generate a -> a
run w g gen = runReader (evalRandT gen g) w
hsva :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> PixelRGBA8
hsva h s v a = PixelRGBA8 (w8 $ rC) (w8 gC) (w8 bC) (w8 a)
RGB rC gC bC = hsv h s v
w8 x = round (255 * x)
getSize :: Num a => Generate (a, a)
getSize = do
(w, h) <- asks (worldWidth &&& worldHeight)
pure (fromIntegral w, fromIntegral h)
render :: Generate (Drawing PixelRGBA8 ()) -> Generate (Image PixelRGBA8)
render d = do
d' <- d
World w h seed s bg <- ask
let w' = round $ fromIntegral w * s
h' = round $ fromIntegral h * s
return $ renderDrawing w' h' bg (withTransformation (scale s s) d')
eggShell, darkGunMetal, teaGreen, vividTangerine, englishVermillion :: PixelRGBA8
eggShell = hsva 71 0.13 0.96 1.0
darkGunMetal = hsva 170 0.30 0.16 1.0
teaGreen = hsva 81 0.25 0.94 1.0
vividTangerine = hsva 11 0.40 0.92 1.0
englishVermillion = hsva 355 0.68 0.84 1.0
data Quad = Quad
{ quadA :: V2 Float
, quadB :: V2 Float
, quadC :: V2 Float
, quadD :: V2 Float
} deriving (Eq)
fromIntegralVector :: V2 Int -> V2 Float
fromIntegralVector (V2 x y) = V2 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
genQuadGrid :: Generate [Quad]
genQuadGrid = do
(w, h) <- getSize @Int
vectors <- replicateM 800 $ do
v <- V2 <$> getRandomR (3, w `div` 2 - 3) <*> getRandomR (3, h `div` 2 - 3)
pure $ v ^* 2
pure . nub . flip map vectors $ \v ->
let v' = fromIntegralVector v
in Quad v' (v' ^+^ V2 0 1.5) (v' ^+^ V2 1.5 1.5) (v' ^+^ V2 1.5 0)
closedPath :: [V2 Float] -> [Line]
closedPath [] = []
closedPath [p] = [Line p p]
closedPath qs@(p1:p2:ps) = zipWith Line qs (p2:ps <> [p1])
quad :: Quad -> [Line]
quad (Quad a b c d) = closedPath [a, b, c, d]
quadAddNoise :: Quad -> Generate Quad
quadAddNoise (Quad a b c d) = do
perlinSeed <- fromIntegral <$> asks worldSeed
perlinOctaves = 5
perlinScale = 0.1
perlinPersistance = 0.5
= P.perlin (round perlinSeed) perlinOctaves perlinScale perlinPersistance
perlin2d (V2 x y)
= P.noiseValue perlinNoise (x + perlinSeed, y + perlinSeed, perlinSeed) - 0.5
addNoise v = let noise = perlin2d v in v ^+^ V2 (noise / 5) (noise / 8)
pure $ Quad
(realToFrac <$> addNoise (realToFrac <$> a))
(realToFrac <$> addNoise (realToFrac <$> b))
(realToFrac <$> addNoise (realToFrac <$> c))
(realToFrac <$> addNoise (realToFrac <$> d))
sketchQuad :: [Line] -> Generate (Drawing PixelRGBA8 ())
sketchQuad ls = do
stroked <- weighted [(True, 0.6), (False, 0.4)]
color <- uniform
[ teaGreen
, vividTangerine
, englishVermillion
, darkGunMetal
return $ withTexture (uniformTexture color)
$ if stroked
then stroke 0.15 (JoinMiter 0) (CapStraight 0, CapStraight 0) ls
else fill ls
sketch :: Generate (Drawing PixelRGBA8 ())
sketch = do
quads <- genQuadGrid
noisyQuads <- traverse quadAddNoise quads
mconcat <$> traverse (sketchQuad . quad) noisyQuads
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