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Last active December 14, 2015 13:28
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Custom qgis.rb homebrew formula for proper grass support
require 'formula'
def which_python
"python"+`python -c 'import sys;print(sys.version[:3])'`.chomp
class PyQtImportable < Requirement
fatal true
satisfy { quiet_system 'python', '-c', 'from PyQt4 import QtCore' }
def message
Python could not import the PyQt4 module. This will cause the QGIS build to fail.
The most common reason for this failure is that the PYTHONPATH needs to be adjusted.
The pyqt caveats explain this adjustment and may be reviewed using:
brew info pyqt
class Qgis < Formula
homepage ''
url ''
sha1 '99c0d716acbe0dd70ad0774242d01e9251c5a130'
head '', :branch => 'master'
depends_on 'cmake' => :build
depends_on PyQtImportable
depends_on 'gsl'
depends_on 'pyqt'
depends_on 'qwt'
depends_on 'expat'
depends_on 'gdal'
depends_on 'proj'
depends_on 'spatialindex'
depends_on 'bison'
depends_on 'qscintilla2'
depends_on 'grass' => :optional
depends_on 'gettext' if build.with? 'grass'
depends_on 'postgis' => :optional
def install
# Set bundling level back to 0 (the default in all versions prior to 1.8.0)
# so that no time and energy is wasted copying the Qt frameworks into QGIS.
args = std_cmake_args.concat %W[
# todo: set the python executable
args << "-DGRASS_PREFIX='#{Formula.factory('grass').opt_prefix}/grass-6.4.2'" if build.with? 'grass'
# So that `libintl.h` can be found
ENV.append 'CXXFLAGS', "-I'#{Formula.factory('gettext').opt_prefix}/include'" if build.with? 'grass'
# Avoid ld: framework not found QtSql (
ENV.append 'CXXFLAGS', "-F#{Formula.factory('qt').opt_prefix}/lib -F#{Formula.factory('python').opt_prefix}/Frameworks"
Dir.mkdir 'build'
Dir.chdir 'build' do
system 'cmake', '..', *args
system 'make install'
# Symlink the qgis Python module somewhere convienant for users to put on
py_lib = lib/"#{which_python}/site-packages"
qgis_modules = prefix + ''
ln_s qgis_modules, py_lib + 'qgis'
# Create script to launch QGIS app
(bin + 'qgis').write <<-EOS.undent
# Ensure Python modules can be found when QGIS is running.
env PATH='#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin':$PATH PYTHONPATH='#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/#{which_python}/site-packages':$PYTHONPATH\\
open #{prefix}/
def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
QGIS has been built as an application bundle. To make it easily available, a
wrapper script has been written that launches the app with environment
variables set so that Python modules will be functional:
You may also symlink into ~/Applications:
brew linkapps
mkdir -p #{ENV['HOME']}/.MacOSX
defaults write #{ENV['HOME']}/.MacOSX/environment.plist PYTHONPATH -string "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/#{which_python}/site-packages"
You will need to log out and log in again to make environment.plist effective.
The QGIS python modules have been symlinked to:
If you are interested in PyQGIS development and are not using the Homebrew
Python formula, then you will need to ensure this directory is on your
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