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Created August 15, 2021 18:02
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Clojure + FUSE


A minimal example of creating a (mostly) working FUSE filesystem using Clojure. NOTE: I have only tested this with OSX, and it assumes you have already installed libfuse.

Trying it out

Create an empty directory at /tmp/meld to serve as your mount point, put these files in a directory called meld, then:

$ cd meld
$ clj -X:run

At that point you should be able to use another shell (or editor, file browser, &c) to interact with the demo filesystem at /tmp/meld/.

{:paths ["."]
:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.1"}
com.github.serceman/jnr-fuse {:mvn/version "0.5.4"}}
:mvn/repos {"bintray" {:url ""}}
:aliases {:run {:exec-fn meld/run
:exec-args {:mountpoint "/tmp/meld"}}}}
(ns meld
(:import (ru.serce.jnrfuse ErrorCodes FuseStubFS)
(ru.serce.jnrfuse.struct FileStat)
( File)
(java.nio.file Paths)
(java.nio ByteBuffer))
;; error codes
(defonce enoent-error (* -1 (ErrorCodes/ENOENT)))
(defonce eisdir-error (* -1 (ErrorCodes/EISDIR)))
(defonce enotdir-error (* -1 (ErrorCodes/ENOTDIR)))
;; the backing store for our ersatz filesystem
(def ersatz-fs
(atom {"/" {:type :dir
:contents #{"notebooks"}}
"/notebooks" {:type :dir
:contents #{"rubbish.nb"}}
;; empty file
"/notebooks/rubbish.nb" {:type :file
:contents (ByteBuffer/allocate 0)}}))
;; TODO ctime, mtime, atime
(defn getattr-directory [ctx path stat]
(doto stat
(-> .-st_mode (.set (bit-or FileStat/S_IFDIR 0755)))
(-> .-st_nlink (.set 2))
(-> .-st_uid (.set (.get (.uid ctx))))
(-> .-st_gid (.set (.get (.gid ctx))))))
;; TODO ctime, mtime, atime
(defn getattr-file [ctx path stat]
(doto stat
(-> .-st_mode (.set (bit-or FileStat/S_IFREG 0644)))
(-> .-st_size (.set (.capacity (:contents (@ersatz-fs path)))))
(-> .-st_nlink (.set 1))
(-> .-st_uid (.set (.get (.uid ctx))))
(-> .-st_gid (.set (.get (.gid ctx))))))
(defn readdir-list-files [path buf filt offset fi entries]
(.apply filt buf "." nil 0)
(.apply filt buf ".." nil 0)
(doseq [entry entries]
(.apply filt buf entry nil 0))
;; NB Assumes the entry is already locked
(defn read-fuse-file [path buf size offset fi]
(let [contents (:contents (@ersatz-fs path))
read-size (min (- (.capacity contents) offset) size)
bytes-read (byte-array read-size)]
(-> contents
(.position offset)
(.get bytes-read 0 read-size)
(.position 0))
(.put buf 0 bytes-read 0 read-size)
(defn dirname [path]
(clojure.string/replace path #"/[^/]*$" ""))
(defn basename [path]
(second (re-find #"/([^/]*)$" path)))
(defn make-fuse-filesystem []
(proxy [FuseStubFS] []
(getattr [path stat]
(println "getattr: " path)
(let [ctx (proxy-super getContext)]
(if-let [ent (@ersatz-fs path)]
(locking ent
(if (= :dir (:type ent))
(getattr-directory ctx path stat)
(getattr-file ctx path stat)))
(readdir [path buf filt offset fi]
(println "readdir: " path)
(if-let [ent (@ersatz-fs path)]
(locking ent
(if (= :dir (:type ent))
(readdir-list-files path buf filt offset fi (sort (:contents (@ersatz-fs path))))
(open [path fi] ; NB create/truncate handled automatically
(println "open: " path)
(if (@ersatz-fs path)
(read [path buf size offset fi]
(println "read: " path)
(if-let [ent (@ersatz-fs path)]
(locking ent
(if (= :dir (:type ent))
(read-fuse-file path buf size offset fi)))
(create [path mode fi]
(println "create: " path)
(if-let [dir (@ersatz-fs (dirname path))]
(locking dir
(swap! ersatz-fs #(-> %
(update-in [(dirname path) :contents] conj (basename path))
(assoc path {:type :file :contents (ByteBuffer/allocate 0)}))))
(write [path buf size offset fi]
(println "write: " path)
(if-let [ent (@ersatz-fs path)]
(locking ent
(if (= :dir (:type ent))
(let [max-extent (+ size offset)
current-contents (:contents ent)
contents (if (< (.capacity current-contents) max-extent)
(let [new-contents (doto (ByteBuffer/allocate max-extent)
(.put current-contents))]
(swap! ersatz-fs assoc-in [path :contents] new-contents)
new-bytes (byte-array size)]
(.get buf 0 new-bytes 0 size) ; load bytes into new array
(-> contents
(.position offset)
(.put new-bytes)
(.position 0)) ; rewind
(truncate [path size]
(println "truncate: " path ", size: " size)
(if-let [ent (@ersatz-fs path)]
(locking ent
(if (= :dir (:type ent))
(let [current-contents (:contents ent)]
(when (> (.capacity current-contents) size)
(let [new-bytes (byte-array size)]
(.get current-contents new-bytes)
(swap! ersatz-fs assoc-in [path :contents] (doto (ByteBuffer/allocate size)
(.put new-bytes)))))
(unlink [path]
(println "unlink: " path)
(if-let [ent (@ersatz-fs path)]
(locking ent
(if (= :dir (:type ent))
(swap! ersatz-fs #(-> %
(update-in [(dirname path) :contents] disj (basename path))
(dissoc path)))))
;; As an exercise to the reader, consider implementing some of these
;; other parts of the FUSE API:
;; mkdir, rmdir, statfs, rename mknod readlink symlink link chmod
;; chown flush release fsync opendir releasedir fsyncdir init destroy
;; access fgetattr lock flock fallocate utimens bmap ioctl poll
;; write_buf read_buf setxattr listxattr removexattr getxattr
;; API function signatures can be found here:
(def the-filesystem (atom nil))
(defn mount! [mountpoint]
(reset! the-filesystem (make-fuse-filesystem))
;; args to mount: this path blocking? debug? options -- this is
;; currently set to block, so don't call it interactively!
(.mount @the-filesystem (-> mountpoint File. .toURI Paths/get) true false (into-array String []))))
(defn umount! []
(.umount @the-filesystem))
;; catches CTRL-C and cleans up the mountpoint
(defn cleanup-hooks [mountpoint]
(.addShutdownHook (Runtime/getRuntime)
(Thread. (fn []
(println "Unmounting " mountpoint)
;; Currently a mostly blank stub that runs the filesystem
(defn run [opts]
(println "Mounting: " (:mountpoint opts))
(cleanup-hooks (:mountpoint opts))
(deref (mount! (:mountpoint opts))))
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