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Last active August 1, 2019 05:41
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Crossplane make help output
jared@jared-laptop ~/dev/go/src/
> make help
Usage: make [make-options] <target> [options]
Common Targets:
build Build source code and other artifacts for host platform.
build.all Build source code and other artifacts for all platforms.
clean Remove all files created during the build.
distclean Remove all files created during the build including cached tools.
lint Run lint and code analysis tools.
help Show this help info.
test Runs unit tests.
e2e Runs end-to-end integration tests.
Common Options:
DEBUG Whether to generate debug symbols. Default is 0.
PLATFORM The platform to build.
SUITE The test suite to run.
TESTFILTER Tests to run in a suite.
V Set to 1 enable verbose build. Default is 0.
Release Targets:
publish Build and publish final releasable artifacts
promote Promote a release to a release channel
tag Tag a release
Release Options:
VERSION The version information for binaries and releases.
CHANNEL Sets the release channel. Can be set to master, alpha, beta, or stable.
Helm Targets:
dep Build and publish final releasable artifacts
Kubebuilder Targets:
bin run kubebuilder binary, pass args by setting ARGS=""
codegen run code generation
Image Targets:
prune Prune orphaned and cached images.
Image Options:
PRUNE_HOURS The number of hours from when an image is last used for it to be
considered a target for pruning. Default is 48 hrs.
PRUNE_KEEP The minimum number of cached images to keep. Default is 24 images.
Go Targets:
generate Runs go code generation.
fmt Checks go source code for formatting issues.
fmt.simplify Format, simplify, update source files.
vendor Updates vendor packages.
vendor.check Fail the build if vendor packages have changed.
vendor.update Update vendor dependencies.
vet Checks go source code and reports suspicious constructs.
test.unit.nocov Runs unit tests without coverage (faster for iterative development)
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