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Created January 29, 2015 00:59
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function mb_fgets($fh)
$buf = '';
$pos = false;
$fstart = ftell($fh);
while( !feof($fh) ) {
$str = fread($fh, 256);
if( $str === false ) {
$buf .= $str;
$pos = mb_strpos($buf, "\n");
if( $pos !== false ) {
// Not found, return the rest of string
if( $pos === false ) {
return $buf ? $buf : false;
// Return up to and including the newline, and rewind the file descriptor
$ret = mb_substr($buf, 0, $pos);
fseek($fh, $fstart + $pos + 1, SEEK_SET);
return $ret;
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