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Last active December 10, 2019 17:26
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Practical Communication Strategies for Influencing Non-technical Decision Makers

Practical Communication Strategies for Influencing Non-Technical Decision Makers

It's frustrating when your well-reasoned technical plan is ignored by managers or customers. You know it's the right approach, but they seem almost determined to not understand it. In this talk we'll discuss strategies you can apply to be a more effective communicator, and dramatically increase the odds of getting agreement. We'll cover ideas including leveling based on your audience, reframing your argument around business goals (not tech), and the magic of the pre-wired discussion. I've learned these techniques through a combination of hard lessons, and countless hours of study. They've served me well as I've moved between engineering and sales roles. I'm convinced that you can apply these non-technical strategies to be a more effective technologist!

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