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Created August 8, 2013 19:52
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Here's the spec for that jquery plugin I'm working on. There will also end up being a group of django widgets to go with it, like "CreditSelect" and "DocumentationFieldSelect" that can be restricted to specific CreditSets if necessary.
Parent-child pull-downs
I need a way to generate a set of pulldowns that can populated based on what's selected in the parent.
Required Functionality
- can be initially populated with the existing value
- assumes unique id's at every level (not going to cater to that kinda craziness)
- can handle asynchronous requests to populate
**#1: An initially empty submission**
function populateParent() {
return [
['p1', '1'],
['p2', '2']
function populateChild() {
return [
['c1', '1'],
['c2', '2']
The #parent select is populated and when an option is selected a child select is created.
**#2: Populating with an initial id**
Same as above, except:
$("#parent").ParentChildSelect(['1', '1'])
This will populate the parent dropdown, select 'p1' and then populate the second dropdown and select 'c1'.
**#3: Populate using ajax requests**
The callback identified by `data-populate` makes this system pretty versatile, but population will require some queueing during the initialization process.
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